Can cockroaches fly? Interesting facts about cockroaches

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Cockroaches can fly

table of contents

  • Can cockroaches fly?
  • Cockroaches species
  • wing
  • Fun Facts About Cockroaches: 10 Facts
  • 1. speed
  • 2. Headless
  • 3. Good swimmers
  • 4. Bad for allergy sufferers
  • 5. Carriers of disease
  • 6. cannibalism
  • 7. Artist hiding
  • 8. Like it warm
  • 9. Thin cockroaches
  • 10. Beware of the bite

Cockroaches are a horror. The insects nest in human dwellings when there is a sufficient supply of food and suddenly expand their colony within a short time. Cockroach infestation can not only have a negative impact on the well-being within your own four walls, but also on your health, as they can transmit diseases. When it comes to cockroaches, one question comes to mind for many people: can cockroaches actually fly?

Can cockroaches fly?

Flying cockroaches are a nightmare par excellence. Not only could the animals reach the cupboards in the kitchen or other elevated places more easily, but people and animals could even fly to them. For this reason, the mere thought of a flying cockroach is extremely uncomfortable, as nobody really wants the insects on their faces. Because of this, the answer to the question is not really reassuring, as almost all species within the order of the cockroaches (Blattodea) have wings. These are structured as follows:

  • a pair of cover wings (leathery)
  • a pair of hind wings

The upper wings are usually much harder and fold upwards during flight. The rear wings spread apart during flight and define the flight ability of the respective cockroach species.

Cockroaches species

However, not only having wings is responsible for insects' ability to fly. There are many types of cockroaches that can fly very well and some that fly staggeringly or just for short distances. Even taxa with wings that are only used for jumping or ground support exist. The following list gives you a good overview of the various types of cockroach that are most common in Central Europe and whether they can fly:

  • German cockroach (Blattella germanica): slightly
  • Oriental or cockroach (Blatta orientalis): no
  • American cockroach (Periplaneta americana): yes
  • Australian cockroach (Periplaneta australasiae): yes
  • Brown banded cockroach or furniture cockroach (Supella longipalpa): only males
  • Brown cockroach (Periplaneta brunnea): yes
  • Common forest cockroach or Lapland cockroach (Ectobius lapponicus): yes
  • True forest cockroach (Ectobius sylvestris): only males
  • Tartar or chocolate cockroach (Shelfordella lateralis): slightly to none
Oriental cockroach, Blatta orientalis
Oriental cockroach, Blatta orientalis

Most often in your own four walls you will come across the German, Oriental and American cockroaches. The Australian cockroach and furniture cockroach are also typical cultural followers, but they are not as common. The other cockroaches on the above list are mainly found in nature, but can always get lost in human dwellings. However, they do not prefer to settle in your kitchen.


Another important point with regard to the cockroach's flying is the fact that often only one of the sexes, mostly the females, are able to fly. There are species-specific differences here. Likewise, only adult specimens can use their wings. In addition to the flight, these are used for the following points:

  • Braking when falling
  • Overcome short distances quickly
  • high jumps

Jumping cockroaches are much more common than flying cockroaches. Especially the German and the Oriental, who are most frequently responsible for an infestation in their homeland, can jump very well and often flap their wings, which is what many people do after trying to fly looks like. Due to the very high weight of the cockroaches, however, after a short time they usually return to the very fast movement over the six legs.

Note: What is unique about the flight abilities of cockroaches is the frequent dependence on high temperatures in order to be able to use the wings at all. if it is too cold for the species in question, they usually stay on the ground and then use the wings only to help them move faster.

Fun Facts About Cockroaches: 10 Facts

Not only the flight behavior and the different types of cockroaches that can fly are among the interesting facts about this group of insects. But there is a lot more interesting information about cockroaches that can even help you control or assess the situation. Here are 10 interesting facts about cockroaches:

1. speed

Cockroaches are famous for their speed. They reach speeds of up to 1.5 meters per second, which corresponds to around 5.5 kilometers per hour. So you have to be faster to catch or kill the animals.

2. Headless

Cockroaches can survive without a head for up to ten days. This miracle is possible because the animals' breathing is not controlled by the head, but by separate body orifices. Since the animals can survive for up to four weeks without food, the animals do not die immediately, even without a head.

3. Good swimmers

Cockroaches can enter your home through the sewer system. Since they can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes, swimming is a breeze for the cockroaches.

4. Bad for allergy sufferers

Animal excretions and debris can exacerbate numerous allergies and even asthma. For this reason, the animals must be fought, especially if there are allergy sufferers in the household.

5. Carriers of disease

Not only allergies can be exacerbated by the cockroaches. Since they are omnivores par excellence, the animals can salmonella, mold, E. coli bacteria or Staphylococci leave behind on your food, which can quickly lead to health problems can.

6. cannibalism

Cannibalism is a common phenomenon in large populations of cockroaches. In these, the food becomes too scarce and so the conspecifics are often eaten.

7. Artist hiding

In the event of a cockroach infestation, do not be surprised at the numerous hiding places for the insects. They really fit in everywhere and especially where it is warm, they like to be. Even kitchen utensils or hairdryers are not safe from the animals.

8. Like it warm

Cockroaches usually only settle and multiply when the temperature is right. The animals like it quite warm and prefer temperatures between 20 ° C and 35 ° C, depending on the species. Reproduction often comes to a standstill in cooler temperatures. This is exactly the reason why the insects nest in your four walls.

9. Thin cockroaches

Cockroaches are known to be very difficult to crush. This is not only due to their quite robust physique, but also their ability to make themselves very flat. Cockroaches can adjust their height up to three millimeters and in this way avoid even the strongest blow or squeeze their way through every crack. Because of this, in order to fight the adult specimens, you need an extremely sturdy object that will not give way.

10. Beware of the bite

Yes, cockroaches can also bite in an emergency. In this emergency, however, it is not a defense mechanism, but a lack of food or water. The animals try to get water through human skin at night, which can lead to a very painful bite. Usually the bite does not hurt immediately, but only later, swells and a crust forms over it. A cockroach bite should be cleaned and observed. If an infection occurs, you should see a doctor immediately, as numerous pathogens can get into the wound.


tip: If you are with one Cockroach infestation you do not have to inform the health department immediately if the property is not used for commercial purposes. This is only necessary in the event of a severe infestation that cannot be dealt with on your own or if the landlord has failed to clean it up.

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