Decorative basket: how hardy is Cosmea?

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Is the jewelry basket hardy?

table of contents

  • Wild plant from warm climes
  • Decorative basket not hardy
  • frequently asked Questions

Their very showy, cup-shaped inflorescences give this Jewelry basket (Cosmos bipinnatus) its name. But how do they get through the winter? How hardy is Cosmea?

In a nutshell

  • typical summer flower
  • loves warmth and sun
  • all species not hardy
  • very temperature sensitive
  • Wintering is not possible

Wild plant from warm climes

Cosmos bipinnatus originally comes from an area that includes parts of the USA with Arizona. However, it can also be found in Mexico, Guatemala and Costa Rica. What all of these areas have in common is that there are permanently warm to very hot temperatures. Meanwhile, however, Cosmea has spread all over the world. It is even considered a very invasive plant that can grow wild under favorable conditions. Typical for the jewelry basket are:

  • Growth height up to two meters
  • The diameter of the inflorescences is usually five to seven centimeters
  • Flowers are pink to purple or white in color
  • newer cultivars also show yellowish and two-colored flowers
  • Plants absolutely need warmth in order to thrive
  • is mainly used as Ornamental flower used
  • altogether a herbaceous plant

Decorative basket not hardy

The jewelry basket is considered a plant that is extremely temperature-sensitive. It can react very sensitively to temperatures of plus 15 degrees Celsius and stop growing.

Prefer jewelry baskets
It is advisable to prefer the jewelry basket.

Tip: Only plant Cosmos bipinnatus outdoors when frost is no longer to be feared.

Due to its sensitivity to temperature, it almost goes without saying that Cosmea needs a very sunny, warm and sheltered location. Unfortunately, this also means that the plant cannot be overwintered outdoors. It is an annual plant that has to be re-sown every year.

frequently asked Questions

How do you get the seeds of the jewelry basket?

The best way to get Cosmea seeds is to wait for the flowers to fade. The withered and withered leaves will then fall off. What remains in the core are some seed pods that are elongated in shape. These can be easily removed by hand individually or in groups. They should then be stored in a dry place and ideally in a paper bag.

Can you prefer Cosmea in the apartment?

This is of course possible and also recommended. Sowing in the sheltered and warm apartment should be done in small planters from around mid-March. Conventional soil is completely sufficient for this. The aim is to get strong young plants that can then be planted in the garden from around mid-May.

What should the location and soil be like in the garden?

Since the jewelry basket is not hardy, you can assume that it needs a lot of warmth to grow and thrive. A location that is as sunny as possible is therefore a must. The location should also be relatively well protected from wind. Cosmea bipinnatus is most likely to fill itself up in largely unfertilized soil. To develop their full bloom, fertilized or nutrient-rich soil can even be a hindrance. The decorative basket has very low demands in terms of fertilization and nutrients.

How does Cosmea have to be poured?

After planting the young plants outdoors, it is best to water them regularly and very generously for a few weeks. After this initial phase, it is advisable to water the plant only when the soil in its root area is already well dried.