table of contents
- Definition of bottle garden
- Suitable plants for the bottle garden
- A to H
- J to M
- O to S
- T to Z
- frequently asked Questions
The bottle garden is an ideal way to cultivate exotic plants. Laying in the glass is particularly suitable for plants from the (sub) tropics and moor areas.
In a nutshell
- mainly suitable for bottle gardens: mini specimens of orchids, ferns, mosses and succulents
- Bottle garden for moisture-loving plants
- Bottle garden for less watering effort
- should be slow growing varieties
Definition of bottle garden
This type of garden involves planting plants in a jar, which means that they are in the local area Climes optimal growth conditions in the form of permanent and relatively high humidity find. Whether individual glasses in the winter garden, on the windowsill or an entire "garden" on the balcony / the terracewho have favourited Glass cultivation offers many possibilities.
Note: As a rule, plants in a sealed jar should only be watered every three to six months. If the closure consists of a cork, more moisture escapes, so that more frequent watering is necessary.
Suitable plants for the bottle garden
A to H
Aerangis citrata
- orchid
- Habit: hanging panicles
- Height: 10 centimeters
- Flowers: white, between winter and spring
- Evergreen
- Location: partially shaded, shady
- Hardy: no
Note: All of the specimens listed here on plants suitable for the bottle garden are evergreen plants.
Aerangis luteoalba 'rhodosticta'
- orchid
- Habit: upright, hanging panicles
- Height / width of growth: 8 to 10 centimeters / 6 to 8 centimeters
- Flowers: creamy white, between spring and summer
- Location: partially shaded
- hardy: no
Mountain Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)
- Habit: hanging upright
- Height: 10 centimeters
- yellowish leaves
- Location: partially shaded, shady
- hardy: no
Earth bromeliad (Cryptanthus bivittatus)
- Growth: upright, partly hanging
- Height / width of growth: 30 to 80 centimeters / 10 to 30 centimeters
- Flower: color white, yellow, orange, red or pink
- Location: shady to partially shaded
- Winter: no longer below 15 degrees Celsius
Common butterwort (Pinguicula vulgaris)
- carnivorous plant
- Growth: rosette-like
- Height / width of growth: up to 15 centimeters / 5 to 10 centimeters
- Flowering: different colors available, May to June
- Location: partially shaded
- hardy
Grusonia moelleri
- cactus
- Growth: upright, easily falling apart
- Height / width of growth: 4 to 7 centimeters / 5 to 20 centimeters
- Flowers: color white or pink, between June and September
- Location: bright to partially shaded, no direct sunlight
- hardy
Harespaw fern (Davallia fejeensis)
- Growth: overhanging
- Height / width of growth: 5 to 15 centimeters / 10 to 20 centimeters
- no flowers
- Location: bright to partially shaded
- sensitive to frost
J to M
Java coffee (Coffea arabica)
- Habit: shrubby, upright, dense
- Height / width: 100 to 200 centimeters / width depending on the space available
- Flowers: white, April to May
- Location: off-sun
- hardy: no
Tip: Planting Java coffee is often difficult. You have significantly better chances of success than in the bed if you use cuttings and let them grow under a glass or in a closed glass jar.
Java moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri)
- Growth: creeping, dense
- Height: about ten centimeters
- Color: pure green
- Location: sunny to partially shaded
- Winter: not below 12 degrees Celsius
Pitcher plant (Nepenthes)
- carnivorous plant
- Growth: overhanging
- Height / width of growth: 20 to 40 centimeters / 20 to 40 centimeters
- Flowering: color depending on variety, March to September
- Location: bright, no direct midday sun
- not hardy
Small-leaved three-masted flower (Tradescantia)
- Habit: bushy, shrubby
- Growth height / width: up to 40 centimeters / up to 40 centimeters
- Flowers: white or pink, in summer
- Location: sunny but not full sun
- Winter: not below 10 degrees Celsius
Small-leaved ivy / common ivy 'Green Pittsburgh' (Hedera helix 'Green Pittsburgh')
- Growth: cushion-forming
- Height / width: up to 15 centimeters / up to 1 meter
- Flowers: yellow-green, September to October
- Location: partially shaded, shady
- hardy: yes
Maihueniopsis ovata (previously called Tephrocactus gratus)
- Growth: cushion-forming
- Growth height: up to 10 centimeters
- Flowers: color yellow to orange, May / June
- Location: sunny to partially shaded
- hardy
Malaysian potted fern (Aglaomorpha heraclea mini)
- Growth: clumpy
- Growth height: up to 15 centimeters
- Color green
- Location: partially shaded, shady
- Winter: at least one degree Celsius
Carrot-leaved striped fern (Asplenium dahcifolium)
- Growth: clumpy
- Height / width of growth: 20 to 60 centimeters / 20 centimeters
- Color green
- Location: cool, partially shaded, shady
- hardy: no
Mosaic plant (Fittonia)
- Growth: flat
- Height / width of growth: 5 to 15 centimeters / 5 to 15 centimeters
- Flower: green and white, spikes
- Location: shady to shady
- sensitive to frost
O to S
Parrot pitcher plant (Sarracenia psittacina)
- Growth: rosette-like, flat
- Height / width of growth: 10 to 20 centimeters / 20 to 30 centimeters
- Flower: pink color, July to August
- Location: sunny to partially shaded
- Winter: not below 5 degrees Celsius
Purple Tute (Syngonium podophyllum)
- Habit: climbing, hanging bushy
- Height / width: up to 150 centimeters / up to 100 centimeters
- Flowers: green-white spikes in summer
- Location: shady to partially shaded
- hardy: no
Star moss (Sagina subulata)
- Growth: creeping, carpet-like, dense
- Height / width of growth: 3 to 5 centimeters / 20 to 25 centimeters
- Flowers: white color, June to August
- Location: sun to partial shade
- Winter: not below 12 degrees Celsius
South Sea Palm (Biophytum sensitivum)
- Growth: spreading, upright
- Height / width: 10 to 20 centimeters / up to 30 centimeters
- Flower: pink single flower
- Location: shady to partially shaded
- hardy: no
Swamp jug (Heliamphora chimantensis)
- Growth: upright
- Height / width: 8 to 20 centimeters / up to 20 centimeters
- Flowers: color white to red, May
- Location: sunny, direct sunlight
- Winter: not below 8 degrees Celsius
T to Z
Peat Moss (Sphagnum)
- Growth: cushion-like, dense
- Height: 5 centimeters
- Color: red-green, yellow-brownish green
- Location: sunny to partially shaded
- hardy
Vanda nana
- orchid
- Habit: upright, hanging panicles
- Height: 6 to 8 centimeters
- Flowers: creamy white, white, violet, flowers one to three times a year
- Location: very bright, full sun (in winter) to sunny
- hardy: no
Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)
- Growth: rosette-like
- Height / width of growth: 30 to 40 centimeters / 20 to 30 centimeters
- Flowers: white, March to May
- Location: sunny
- hardy
Zebra herb (Tradescantia zebrina)
- Growth: hanging and spreading
- Height / width of growth: up to 20 centimeters / up to 40 centimeters
- Flowers: pink, white, from January to December
- Location: off-sun
- hardy: no
Ornamental pepper (Peperomia polybotrya)
- Growth: upright
- Height / width of growth: 20 to 30 centimeters / 5 to 15 centimeters
- Flower: spikes, inconspicuous
- Location: shady to partially shaded
- sensitive to frost
Dwarf green lily (Chlorophytum comosum)
- Growth: partly upright, partly overhanging
- Height / width of growth: up to 40 centimeters / up to 2.5 centimeters (leaf)
- Flower: white, in summer
- Location: sunny or shady
- Winter: not below 5 degrees Celsius
frequently asked Questions
In theory, you can also put several plants in a bottle, if it is big enough and the plants are in harmony with each other. But with an individual assembly, each copy grows according to the space available. That is, the larger it is, the larger most of the specimens will be.
Usually they are perennial specimens. If care is taken that meets the respective requirements and the location is optimally chosen, the plants can live for many years.
That depends on the requirements of the plant species. In addition to high humidity, many also love warmth - but some prefer it a cool location so that they get a cooler place in the house, at least in midsummer should.