Are plates suitable as a pool surface?

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Using plates as a base for a pool is easy and requires little effort. However, there are also other advantages that are particularly evident in degradable pools.

Advantages of the panels

If a swimming pool is to be set up, the subsurface must be prepared accordingly. A slope of more than one percent is detrimental to both the garden and the life of the pool.

For this reason, the ground must be prepared accordingly. For a stable foundation, a pit is first dug, which is solidified, filled with crushed stone, gravel and sand and finally sealed with concrete. Experience has shown that laying out weed control also makes sense.

Slabs are an inexpensive and significantly less complex alternative to concreting the foundation. This makes them the ideal solution for all areas in which a pool has to be set up quickly or the foundation has to be removed again. Allotments or rental properties fall into this category.


There are three main materials that can be used for the slabs as the substrate for the swimming pool:

Natural stone slabs

Natural stone slabs can be used if they will still be visible at the edge around the swimming pool, for example. It can also be used for existing, cut pieces. As a rule, however, they are too expensive to use as a base.

The advantage is that the look is very appealing.

There is also a large number of different degrees of hardness. The heavier the pool when filled, the harder and thicker the stone slabs should be.

Concrete slabs

Concrete pavement slabs are comparatively cheap to buy and have the advantage that they are available in numerous different formats. They are easy to lay and can be easily adjusted. In addition, they are extremely durable and resilient and easy to clean.

Pool foundation made of slabs


Styrodur is a rigid foam board. The material has some advantages. For example:

  • easy laying
  • low weight and therefore easy to transport
  • gives way to a small extent
  • easy editing
  • very low price
  • different strengths and types

Four to seven euros per square meter are enough to lay the Styrodur panels. Due to the yielding, the material smooths out minor unevenness without any problems, but remains stable at the same time. The low weight of the rigid foam makes it easier to transport as well as to lay out and reduces costs and effort overall. Because Styrodur can even be worn and processed by individuals without difficulty.

Note: The advantages of the Styrodur panels come mainly from

Rental properties and leased gardens for wear. Because here it must be possible to remove the underlay quickly, easily and with as little residue as possible.

Structure - step by step

The ideal subsurface for a swimming pool consists of several layers. In the case of uneven areas, the panels should only represent the last or topmost support. This always applies if a solid and straight foundation is not already in place.

Because in these cases it is sufficient to carry out a few steps. It refers to:


First of all, a spirit level must be used to check whether the floor is level. A gradient of one percent is still problem-free for both inflatable and framed pools. This means that the difference on the surface of the subsurface should not be more than one centimeter in height over one meter in length or width.


In the case of larger deviations, experience has shown that it makes sense to make an adjustment. This means that at least holes have to be filled and excess material removed. Quartz sand or gravel and sand for filling, a spade for removing and a vibrating plate for compacting make sense. In any case, a foundation consisting of several layers and provided with a weed fleece is optimal.

Laying out

Whether a substructure with sand and further layers is created or just on a straightened subsurface Plates are placed, of course, depends on the existing conditions and the Expenditure. It is important that the floor panels are correctly aligned and that there are not too great gaps between them. Hence, the next step is critical.

final check

When the plates have been laid out, they must be checked again. If there are bumps, they must be leveled out. This may require more sand or gravel, for example, or the removal of raised areas. Again, a spirit level should be used to check the subsurface.

Pool substructure on slabs: cross-section

Use on the foundation


A foundation should be built under the pool depends on the type of pool. The sequence of layers differs only slightly, however. If panels are used, it is designed as follows:
  • Mark out and excavate the pit
  • Compact earth
  • Spread out weed control
  • Fill in crushed stone, gravel and sand
  • Compress layers
  • if necessary, pour in concrete
  • Lay on paving slabs or Styrodur and align

Then the pool can be set up. It is important to ensure that the base does not shift.

Tip: A deeper foundation that is not completely filled provides greater stability. In addition, the edge prevents the individual elements from shifting.

Laying out on earth

If a suitable foundation has not already been laid and none are to be excavated, the procedure is nevertheless similar. The procedure is as follows:

  • Measure and stake out the area
  • Free the earth from the grass and remove stones and other foreign bodies
  • Eliminate or level out unevenness
  • Compact earth
  • Place weed control underlay
  • Apply paving slabs

In the case of very rough stone slabs, it can make sense to apply an additional cover and thus protect the bottom of the pool from damage. With inflatable pools in particular, there is an additional advantage that getting in and walking in the pool is much more comfortable.

By compensating for unevenness, the floor can withstand loads better and has no annoying edges or peaks. The introduction of a protective tarpaulin or weed fleece prevents unwanted growth from penetrating through the joints. However, removing the grass beforehand prevents mold and rot from forming.

These processes could, on the one hand, produce bad smells and, on the other hand, produce harmful substances. Since these penetrate the soil, they can also affect plants in the vicinity.

Tip: Grouting the panels can be useful in order to achieve greater stability and to prevent the underlay from shifting.