Marguerites: planting, caring for shrub marguerites

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Marguerites are a diverse group of plants that are very popular both as balcony and garden plants and as cut flowers. They get their name from the Magerwiesen-Magerite (Leucanthemum vulgare), which is also called meadow marguerite or meadow herbaceous flower.
Originally a wild plant that grows on pastures, meadows and on railway embankments, the meadow marguerite is now also used in cultivated form for planting gardens, parks, etc. offered. It is a perennial plant and becomes 30 - 60 cm high. Meadow daisies have white petals that are arranged like a basket around the yellow "eye". Since they are very similar in appearance to the odorless chamomile, they are sometimes confused with this one.
Meadow daisies are not poisonous, but all parts of the plant can cause contact allergies.
Since it is almost impossible to treat all types of daisies and their constantly growing new varieties, only a few are considered here as examples. Almost all types of daisies are available in white, yellow, pink, red and shades of these.

Spring Marguerite (Tanacetum coccineum)
The spring marguerite will be approx. 90 cm high and blooms in May and June. She loves a sunny spot with well drained garden soil.

Spring daisies are also popular as cut flowers.
Summer Marguerite (Leucantheum x superbum)
The summer marguerite is approx. 90 cm high, has white flowers and blooms in July and August. It should be planted in a sunny spot.
Autumn Marguerite (Leucanthemella serotina)
The Herbstmagerite, also called the Herbststern, is a perennial that grows approx. 150 cm high. It has white petals around a yellow “eye” and blooms in September and October. Autumn lagerites need a sunny or partially shaded location.
Big daisy
The large marguerite (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum maxima) is a large-flowered cultivation from the meadow marguerite. It is a perennial, hardy perennial that is 60 - 80 cm high and blooms from July to September. She loves a sunny location. The large daisy is very suitable as a cut flower.
The shrub marguerite (Argyranthemum frutescens or Chrysanthemum frutescens) is a very popular, richly flowering container plant for balconies, patios and gardens. If you do not want to overwinter it, it can also be planted in a bed. It becomes 80 - 150 cm high, has fine, aromatic foliage and forms numerous white, yellow or pink flowers. It blooms from May to October. Shrub daisies are available as tall trunks or shrubs. As a special cultivation, a dwarf form that resembles daisies in appearance and double varieties that look almost like chrysanthemums are offered.
The shrub marguerite prefers a sunny spot, but can also be planted in partial shade. Tall trunks must be well supported.
Care of the shrub marguerite
Shrub daisies need a lot of water. Therefore, on hot summer days, they need to be watered in the morning and evening. During the flowering period, they need to be fertilized with liquid fertilizer at least 2 times a month. Faded flowers should be plucked off to encourage new flower formation.
Bush daisies are susceptible to aphids and as a result are often attacked by sooty mildew. White flies also attack daisies.

Aphid infestation
Aphid infestation can be recognized by crooked, curled leaves, shoot tips or bud tips.
Fungal attack
Fungal attack can be recognized by the fact that the plant loses leaves and young shoots and the leaves are blotchy.
An infestation with white flies can be seen on 2 mm large, winged insects that are covered with white wax powder and sit on the underside of the leaves.
To overwinter, the shrub marguerite is put in a light, not too cool (8-12 ° C) room before the first frost and only moderately watered during the winter. It is not pruned before wintering, otherwise there is a risk of drying out. In May, before they are put out again, shrub daisies are prepared at approx. 1/3 shortened.
  • Height 75-90cm
  • Plant spacing 38-45cm
  • Flowering in early summer
  • Light, well-drained soil
  • Open, sunny location
  • hardy

With their bright, clear colors, the daisy-like flowers of Pyrethrun roseum, now Tanacetum coccineum, bring life to sunlit borders.
In early summer, the simple flowers unfold on upright stems to a diameter of 5-6cm. They are filled or unfilled and come in a wide variety of reds and ruddy tones as well as white. The feathery foliage is bright green. With their almost nostalgic charm, the flower stalks of Tanacetum look great in rustic bouquets.
Popular varieties
The most common unfilled varieties are: Avalanche (white), Brenda (cherry red), Eileen May Robinson (pink), Evenglow (salmon), Kelways Glorious (fireplace red) and Taurus (blood red).
Filled varieties are: Aphrodite (white), Helen (light pink), Vanessa (rich pink with yellow markings), Lord Roseberry (red), Mont Blanc (white), Princess Mary (deep rose), Prospero (salmon) and Red Dwarf (carmine).
You plant in the early spring in light, well-drained soil in an open, sunny place and supports the plants with pea twigs from mid to late spring. Water abundantly during the growing season and cut back the stems immediately after flowering. Young plants sometimes bloom again in early fall.
A division should only take place after 3 - 4 years if possible, in early spring or after flowering in midsummer, when the new basal shoots sprout. Remove lignified roots before replanting.
Sow in early spring under glass at 16 degrees Celsius. Varietal Multiplication is unlikely.

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