19 apple varieties for baking: the most popular baked apple

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Apples for baking

table of contents

  • Apple varieties for baking
  • sweet baked apples
  • from A - J
  • from K - R
  • Mainly sour apple varieties
  • from A - C
  • from E - H
  • from I - T

Autumn time is apple time. Apples are a versatile and rewarding ingredient in the kitchen. They taste great raw, cooked or baked in cakes or other savory and sweet dishes. However, the variety of varieties is sometimes a bit confusing. Alone in Germany it's around 2000 and not all are suitable for every purpose. While some are best eaten raw, others only develop their full aroma in processed form. We present the best apple varieties for baking.

Apple varieties for baking

Not all apples are the same, especially when it comes to baking. Table apples, for example, taste best raw, they are not closed angry and have a pleasant consistency. The qualities of a real boiled or baked apple only come to the fore when it is cooked. Raw they are usually sour and less intense in taste.

An important factor in baking apples is the acidity. It brings out the apple aroma particularly well. It shouldn't be too watery and the apple pieces shouldn't disintegrate when heated, but keep their shape and lose little liquid. Nevertheless, for some pastries it is better if the apple crumbles easily and quickly. But which apples are suitable for baking and which is the most popular?

sweet baked apples

from A - J


The Delbarestivale is one of the early varieties. It is small to medium in size and has a mild acidity and a fine aniseed note. The pulp is medium-firm, the skin is smooth, greenish-yellow and on the sunny side with distinctive red stripes. Raw it tastes fresh and crunchy, but is also a good cooking and baking apple. It is ready to be eaten and picked from the end of August and can then be stored until October / November.

Apple variety Delbarestival

Golden Delicious

  • Golden Delicious is often the first choice when baking
  • It's big, initially rather greenish
  • Later yellowish-green, washed out light gold on the sunny side
  • Meat is firm and juicy
  • The later the harvest, the more floury
  • Harvest young and fresh for baking
  • Taste rather sweetish, with a distinctive aniseed and cinnamon aroma
  • The shape and taste are largely retained during baking
  • The harvest begins and is ready for consumption around the beginning of October
  • Harvest as early as possible for longer storage
'Golden Delicious' apple

tip: Fruits that hang in the shade often taste watery. If they are not fully developed, they are relatively tasteless or tasteless.


Jonagold is a popular table apple and is very suitable for delicious cakes, for cooking and for salads. It is medium-sized, with a reddish-green skin and loose, juicy, yellowish flesh. The taste is sweet and fruity to slightly sour. This apple can be stored for a long time. However, if the fruit is stored for too long, it becomes soft and it is relatively sensitive to pressure. It doesn't disintegrate so easily in the oven. Harvest time is between mid / late September and early October.

Jonagold apple variety

from K - R

Canadian chain

  • Popular winter apple with medium-sized to very large fruits
  • The skin is dry, rough and heavily rusted
  • Greenish-yellow and orange on the sunny side
  • Medium firm, greenish-yellow and juicy meat
  • Well-balanced sugar-acid ratio and pleasant flavor
  • Becomes crumbly with increasing storage time
  • A good table and baked apple
  • Ready to pick in October
Kanadarenette is suitable as a baking apple

Royal Gala

The fruits of this variety are relatively small, but all the more aromatic. They are sweet with a fine acidity and are among the most popular autumn apples. Their skin is smooth, slightly waxy, with red or red stripes. The yellow flesh is firm, moderately juicy and somewhat reminiscent of pears. This apple tastes just as good fresh from the tree as it does in a delicious apple strudel or as a baked apple. It is ripe for consumption from the end of September to March.

Apple Royal Gala


The Rubinette is a rather small-fruited, greenish-yellow apple with orange-red stripes on the sunny side. It has a firm and slightly rough skin and a crisp, firm and very juicy flesh. It is sweet, fruity, slightly sour and very similar in aroma to the Cox Orange. The harvest starts at the end of September.

Apple Rubinette

tip: The sugar content of this apple variety is 16 percent and is therefore not suitable for diabetics.

Mainly sour apple varieties

from A - C


In addition to Elstar, Jonagold and Boskop, the Braeburn also ensures unrestricted apple enjoyment. No matter whether in a delicious apple strudel, cake, compote or a fresh fruit salad.

  • Fruits medium to large in size
  • Shiny, greenish-yellow skin with short, dark red stripes
  • The flesh is crisp, firm and juicy
  • Has a sweet and sour aroma
  • Reminds of rose, fennel and sometimes plum
  • Cultivation in Germany only recommended in warmer locations
  • Harvest time then from mid to late October
Braeburn is a sour apple variety

tip: Among the numerous varieties, Braeburn is the one with the highest vitamin C content

Bismarck apple

The Bismarck apple is one of the old varieties. It is a large to very large apple with a thick, smooth and slightly frosted skin. The basic color is yellowish and reddish stripes on the sunny side. It has a slightly vanilla scent. Its whitish flesh is medium-firm, coarse-celled and juicy. It tastes strongly sour, without any noteworthy aroma and is suitable for cooking, baking and as dried fruit. It will be ready for harvest from the end of September.

Bismarck apple

Boskop - the most popular baking apple

The Boskop is the all-rounder among the apple varieties. Due to its firm, coarse and juicy flesh, the intense, fruity-tart aroma and its high acid content, it has everything a baked apple should have. It becomes relatively large, with initially greenish-yellow and, when fully ripe, strongly reddened skin. The fruits are ripe for consumption from the end of November to April.


tip: The longer a boskop is stored, the more crumbly and drier it becomes.

Cox orange

This cultivated apple is one of the most popular small-fruited and oldest apple varieties. It is a good table, baked and cooked apple. The spicy autumn apple has a greenish-yellow skin that turns golden yellow until ripe and is partly red-striped on the sunny side. The yellowish-white pulp is very juicy, crunchy and medium firm, with a sweet and sour taste and a noble aroma. This classic is ready to be enjoyed from the end of October to March.

Apple variety 'Cox Orange'

from E - H


The Elstar is one of the best-known and most popular apple varieties that are wonderfully suitable for baking. Its medium-sized fruits are bright yellow and, on the sunlit side, orange-red to bright red. The flesh is yellowish-white, medium firm, crisp and juicy, with a slightly sour, fruity-spicy taste. The harvest takes place from September to October.

Apple Elstar

Bell apple

This old traditional variety has medium-sized, tall, slightly bell-shaped fruits with a slightly uneven and irregular surface. The basic color is greenish-yellow with reddish cheeks. The pulp contains little juice and has a refreshing acidity, which makes it a popular cake apple. This apple is ripe for consumption in December.

Bell apple

Granny Smith

The crisp, green, medium-sized Granny Smith is also one of the tart apples because it has a high proportion of fruit acids. When fully ripe it is yellow-green and the flesh is firm and greenish-white. Harvest time is from the end of October to November and ripe for consumption from January to April.

Granny Smith apple

tip: This variety is unsuitable for those who are allergic to apples. Because they tend to tolerate old apple varieties better.


The fruits of this old variety are large, broadly spherical with a pale yellow, smooth and greasy skin that is reddish-striped when ripe. The yellowish-white meat is very juicy, sweet and sour and has a pronounced spicy aroma. Ripe for consumption is from August to October. This valuable table apple and very good baking apple comes out of the oven firm to the bite.

Gravenstein apples are suitable for baking

Holstein Cox

The medium-sized to large fruits of the Holsteiner Cox have a green-yellow skin that is tenderly red on the sunny side. Their white pulp is medium firm, very juicy, hearty, spicy, aromatic and rather sour. This apple is one of the best tasting apple varieties. It is then harvested from mid-September to October.

'Holsteiner Cox'

tip: When stored for a long time, the acidity decreases and the pulp becomes floury.

from I - T


  • Fruits of this variety are medium to large in size
  • Skin smooth, very firm with a yellowish-green base color
  • About three-quarters coated with intense red
  • The flesh is white to cream-colored, sometimes slightly reddish
  • Firm, crunchy and juicy
  • Taste slightly sour, rather mild, with little aroma
  • Use as a table, cooked and baked apple
  • Ripe for consumption from December to July
  • As a table apple, very suitable for diabetics
Apple idared

James Grieve

This summer apple is ripe from mid-August. It is suitable for fresh consumption as well as for cooking and baking. The medium-sized, spherical fruits are yellow-skinned and striped with reddish stripes on the sunny side. They have a yellowish-white, medium-firm, fine-celled and juicy flesh. The taste is sweet and sour with a pleasant spice.

James Grieve is a good baking apple


This winter variety delights with medium-sized, vermilion and fragrant fruits. Under the skin there is a firm, juicy and pressure-resistant pulp. This convinces with a tangy, sweet and sour taste and nutty aroma. The Pilot variety is ready to eat from October to May. It is just as good as a wine apple, for baking or as a baked apple.

Apple pilot


The winter apple 'Topaz' is considered a jewel in the home garden. This is due to the excellent aroma, the pleasant acidity and its good shelf life.

  • The skin is greasy and waxy
  • Red flames on the shady side
  • Lighter towards the sun, with fine red stripes
  • Yellow-orange color appears in between
  • The flesh is firm, juicy and fine-celled
  • Fine acidity and excellent aroma
  • As a typical winter apple, it is not ready to eat straight away
  • Matures only after the harvest, around November
  • Has very good baking properties
Topaz apple variety