30 office plants for a better indoor climate

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Indoor plants in the office have a number of advantages as they improve the indoor climate. They increase the humidity, can serve as natural room dividers or are used as air purifiers.


While all plants give off moisture to the environment through evaporation, some do more to increase the humidity in the office than others. That is why they are considered natural humidifiers for dry air or heating air.

Areca palm(Areca catechu)

Areca Palm - Areca catechu
  • Another common name: betel nut palm, betel palm, catechu palm
  • Location: bright, but not full sun
  • Minimum temperature: 15 degrees Celsius
  • slightly demanding plant
  • Watering: regularly and abundantly
  • Fertilizing: every two weeks (May to September)

Bamboo palm(Chamaedorea seifrizii)

  • Location: sunny to shady
  • Minimum temperature: 10 degrees Celsius
  • undemanding plant
  • Watering: regularly
  • Fertilizing: every two weeks (March to September)

Bow hemp(Sansevieria trifasciata)

Bow hemp - Sansevieria trifasciata
  • Another common name: mother-in-law's tongue
  • Location: bright, also tolerates direct sunlight
  • Minimum temperature: 15 degrees Celsius
  • extremely frugal office plants
  • Watering: regularly, copes well with dry periods
  • Fertilizing: every four weeks (May to October)

Note: Heating air and dry air do not affect the bow hemp.

Dragon tree(Dracaena)

Dragon tree - Dracaena deremensis
  • Location: warm and bright, after getting used to it, also direct sun
  • Minimum temperature: 10 degrees Celsius
  • easy to care for and robust plant
  • available in many varieties
  • Pouring: economical
  • Fertilizing: every two weeks (April to October)


Ivy - Hedera helix
  • Location: bright, without direct sunlight
  • Minimum temperature: 10 degrees Celsius
  • robust and easy to care for plant
  • Watering: regularly
  • Fertilizing: every two weeks (April to September)

Window leaf(Monstera)

Window leaf - Monstera
  • Location: bright, suitable for the north window
  • Minimum temperature: 18 degrees Celsius
  • robust and easy-care houseplants
  • Watering: regular, moderate
  • Fertilizing: every two weeks (April to the end of August)

Lucky Chestnut(Pachira aquatica)

Lucky Chestnut - Pachira aquatica
  • Location: warm and bright (no blazing sun)
  • Minimum temperature: 12 degrees Celsius
  • robust and easy to care for plant, copes well with dry periods
  • very dry air is poorly tolerated
  • Watering: not too often, but extensively
  • Fertilizing: every two weeks (April to September)

Gold fruit palm(Dypsis lutenscens)

Golden fruit palm - Dypsis lutescens
  • other common names: areca palm
  • Location: bright, but not full sun
  • Minimum temperature: 16 degrees Celsius
  • easy-care office plant
  • Watering: regularly and abundantly
  • Fertilizing: every two weeks (April to October)

Rubber tree(Ficus elastica)

Rubber tree - Ficus elastica
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, also suitable for the north window
  • Minimum temperature: 16 degrees Celsius
  • extremely robust plant
  • Watering: needs little water
  • Fertilizing: every two to three weeks (April to October)

Cobbler palm(Aspidistra)

Cobbler palm - Aspidistra elatior - butcher palm
  • other common names: butcher palm
  • Location: light to shady, suitable for the north window
  • Minimum temperature: 12 degrees Celsius
  • undemanding houseplants
  • Watering: regularly at longer intervals
  • Fertilizing: every four weeks (April to October)

Ray aralia(Schefflera)

Radiant Aralia - Schefflera arboricola
  • other common names: finger aralia
  • Location: bright to partially shaded, no direct sun
  • Minimum temperature: 10 degrees Celsius
  • undemanding office plants
  • Watering: regularly, moderately, do not allow to dry out
  • Fertilizing: every now and then

Striped ferns(Asplenium)

Striped Ferns - Asplenium

Among the striped ferns, nest fern (Asplenium nidus) and striped fern (Asplenium antiquum) are the best natural humidifiers against dry heating air in winter.

  • Location: bright to partially shaded, no blazing midday sun
  • Minimum temperature: 16 degrees Celsius
  • robust and easy-care houseplants
  • Watering: regular, tolerates shorter dry periods
  • Fertilizing: every four weeks (April to September)

Dwarf date palm(Phoenix roebelenii)

Pygmy Date Palm - Phoenix roebelenii
  • Location: bright (no direct sun) to partially shaded
  • Minimum temperature: 16 degrees Celsius
  • robust and easy to care for plant
  • Watering: does not need a lot of water
  • Fertilizing: every two to four weeks (March to September)

Room linden tree(Sparrmannia)

Room linden - Sparmannia africana
  • Location: bright, without direct sunlight
  • Minimum temperature: 10 degrees Celsius
  • extremely easy-care plant
  • Watering: plentiful
  • Fertilizing: once or twice a week (April to September)

air cleaner

In addition to natural humidifiers, there are a number of office plants that are supposed to purify the air and thus contribute to a better indoor climate.

Dieffenbachia(Dieffenbachia camilla)

Dieffenbachia - Dieffenbachia maculata
  • Location: bright to partially shaded, no direct midday sun
  • Minimum temperature: 15 degrees Celsius
  • robust office plants
  • Watering: regularly, avoid extreme dryness and wetness; shorter dry periods are tolerated
  • Fertilizing: weekly (April to August)

Note: The Dieffenbachia is poisonous.

Real aloe(Aloe vera)

Aloe vera - real aloe
  • Location: warm and sunny
  • Minimum temperature: 15 degrees Celsius
  • robust and easy to care for plant
  • Watering: only needs a little water
  • Fertilizing: every four weeks (April to September)


Efeutute - Epipremnum pinnatum
  • other common names: clay plant, golden tendril
  • Location: bright to partially shaded
  • Minimum temperature: 16 degrees Celsius
  • robust and easy-care climbing and traffic light plant
  • Watering: regularly
  • Fertilizing: every three weeks (March to October)

A leaf(Spathiphyllum)

Single leaf - Spathiphyllum wallisii
  • Location: bright to partially shaded, no direct midday sun
  • Minimum temperature: 13 degrees Celsius
  • dry air (air conditioning) is not tolerated so well
  • robust and easy to care for plant
  • Watering: regular, moderate
  • Fertilizing: every four weeks (April to September)

Flamingo flower(Anthurium)

Flamingo flower - Anthurium - Anthurium andreanum
  • Germanized anthurium
  • Location: light to partially shaded, no direct sun, no drafts
  • Minimum temperature: 16 degrees Celsius
  • slightly demanding plant
  • Watering: abundantly, do not allow to dry out
  • Fertilizing: every two weeks (April to September)

Lucky feather(Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

Lucky Feather - Zamioculcas zamiifolia
  • other common names: Zamie
  • Location: bright (no blazing sun) to shady
  • Minimum temperature: 16 degrees Celsius
  • easy-care houseplants
  • Watering: regularly, always keep slightly moist
  • Fertilizing: every four weeks (April to October)

Green lily(Chlorophytum comosum)

Green Lily - Chlorophytum comosum
  • other common names: official grass, official palm
  • Location: sunny to shady (no special requirements)
  • ideal for the window sill or the traffic light
  • Minimum temperature: 10 degrees Celsius
  • frugal plant
  • Watering: regular and abundant; copes well with dry spells
  • Fertilizing: every two to three weeks (April to October)

Kentia palm(Howea)

Kentia - Howea
  • Location: bright to partially shaded
  • Minimum temperature: 15 degrees Celsius
  • undemanding plant
  • Watering: regularly
  • Fertilizing: every two weeks (May to the end of August)

Climbing philodendron(Philodendron scandens)

Tree friend - Philodendron
  • Another common name: prickly tree friend, climbing philodendron
  • Location: shady to partially shaded
  • Minimum temperature: 15 degrees Celsius
  • easy-care traffic light or climbing plant
  • Watering: keep moderately moist
  • Fertilizing: every two weeks (April to October

Klivie(Clivia miniata)

Klivie - Belt Blade - Clivia miniata
  • Location: bright to partially shaded, no direct sun
  • Minimum temperature: 15 degrees Celsius
  • robust and easy to care for plant
  • Watering: always keep slightly moist
  • Fertilizing: every two weeks (April to October)

Tip: If the Klivie feels good, it thanks it with orange blossoms.

Butt thread(Aglaonema)

Piston thread - aglaonema
  • Location: bright (without direct sunlight) to shady
  • Minimum temperature: 18 degrees Celsius
  • undemanding plant
  • Watering: regular, tolerates short dry periods
  • Fertilizing: every four weeks (March to early November)

Note: The cob thread doesn't like to stand alone.

Mexican mountain palm(Chamaedorea elegans)

Mountain Palm - Chamaedorea elegans
  • Location: bright to slightly sunny
  • Minimum temperature: 15 degrees Celsius
  • undemanding plant
  • Watering: regularly and abundantly
  • Fertilizing: every four weeks (May to September)

Arrowroot(Maranta leuconeura)

  • Location: semi-shady to shady, suitable for the north window
  • Minimum temperature: 15 degrees Celsius
  • undemanding plant
  • Watering: always keep slightly moist
  • Fertilize: once between September and February

Giant palm lily(Yucca elephantipes)

Yucca palm - Yucca elephantipes - giant palm lily
  • Location: warm and bright, no direct sunlight
  • Minimum temperature: 12 degrees Celsius
  • undemanding office plants
  • Watering: always keep slightly moist, tolerates shorter dry periods
  • Fertilizing: weekly (April to September)

Stick palm(Rhapis excelsa)

Stick Palm - Rhapis excelsa
  • Location: bright to partially shaded, morning or evening sun
  • Minimum temperature: 10 degrees Celsius
  • easy-care plant
  • Watering: regularly and extensively
  • Fertilizing: every two weeks (April to September)

UFO plant(Pilea peperomioides)

Ufo plant - Pilea peperomioides
  • Location: bright to partially shaded, without direct sunlight
  • Minimum temperature: 15 degrees Celsius
  • robust and easy to care for plant
  • Watering: keep moderately moist
  • Fertilizing: every two weeks (March to September)