Aphids on lovage: how to get rid of lice

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Aphids on lovage - title

table of contents

  • recognition
  • drove
  • Risk factors
  • prevention
  • Combat
  • Frequently asked questions

Aphids on Lovage are more than annoying, because the plant, also known as Maggi herb, can suffer badly from it. We reveal here which means are suitable for prevention and control.

In a nutshell

  • Aphids can do severe damage to maggi herb
  • the herb is more difficult for the pests to clean before consumption
  • a wrong location and insufficient care can favor aphids
  • chemical pesticides should not be used prior to consumption
  • natural predators can be used for both prevention and control


Due to their size and color, aphids can be relatively inconspicuous. However, they can be recognized by the following features:

severe aphid infestation
  • green, brown to black-brown color
  • often sit on the underside of the leaf
  • leave a sticky film on the leaves and stems
  • attract ants
  • can leave dots on the leaves


Aphids are among the most common pests in Germany. At first they seem inconspicuous and not very dangerous, but they can cause numerous negative consequences and not only weaken the lovage. Some of the dangers include:

  • increase the risk of sooty mildew
  • increase the risk of viral diseases, also in other crops
  • can limit growth

Risk factors

The risk of aphid infestation on the lovage increases if the Maggi herb was planted in the wrong location or if it is not cared for sufficiently or incorrectly. The lovage, which is undemanding in itself, needs:

  • a sunny to partially shaded location
  • a pH of 6 to 7
  • Fertilize with comfrey manure, compost or herbal fertilizers in spring
  • Pile up compost in autumn when parts of the plant have died
  • pour if necessary
Lovage belongs in every herb garden


Proper care and the right location are already crucial preventive measures. In addition, the following points should also be taken into account:

regular checks: Check the top, bottom, and stems of the leaf. Weekly in summer. This means that you will notice an infestation very early on and you can prevent the pests from spreading further.
Attract beneficial organisms: Predators such as ladybirds and the larvae of hoverflies, lacewings and parasitic wasps. But also caterpillars, predatory bugs, ground beetles, soft beetles, spiders and some bird species feed on the aphids. Are they attracted, for example by plants that are popular with them, a bird bath and protection areas and is In addition, without using pesticides, a good balance between beneficial insects and pests can be achieved and maintained will.
Mixed culture and close to nature: A near-natural garden is always a mixed culture. Larger collections of the same plants and plant species favor the infestation and spread of the aphids.


If there has already been a pronounced infestation of the aphids on the lovage, action should be taken as early as possible and the lice should be combated. This can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Remove and destroy affected parts of the plant
  • spread suitable predators
  • Increase the nitrogen content of the earth
  • Spray the plant with black tea
  • a neem oil solution for spraying but also use neem sticks in the soil
  • Mix milk and water in a ratio of 1: 2 and use as a spray
  • Put the garlic clove in the ground or sprinkle the plant with garlic stock
  • Use nettle brew as a natural pesticide
  • Rinse the plant with water and place a tarpaulin under the plants or then lift off the top layer of soil.
Nettle stock against powdery mildew

Above all, the targeted application of beneficial insects or predators is a very simple and quick way to get rid of the lice. Bring LadybugParasitic wasps and Co. simply only attack the affected plants and these will eat the pests. If there are no more parasites, the beneficial insects move on and look for other food sources. They do not damage the plants themselves.
The effort is low and the application does not usually have to be repeated. The beneficial insects or their larvae are available in specialist shops, online but also in some hardware stores with a plant department.

Frequently asked questions

Can chemical pesticides be used?

If the lovage is to be used for consumption, it is better to avoid chemical agents. Because even if the leaves are rinsed off thoroughly afterwards, there may be residues of the pesticide on them. The substances also go into the soil and can even get into the plant.

Can plants infested with aphids go on the compost?

From here, the insects could spread again in the garden and infest plants again. It is better to dispose of them with household waste.

Can lice be removed from plants manually?

If the infestation is still low, the pests can also be manually removed from the leaves and stems. Alternatively, they can be scraped off the Maggi herb with the blunt side of a knife blade or a similar narrow but not sharp edge. However, it is usually easier to completely remove the infected parts of the plant and dispose of them.

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