Anthurium gets yellow / brown leaves

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  • causes
  • Lack of light
  • Temperature fluctuation
  • Wrong substrate
  • Wrong watering
  • Air dryness
  • Overfertilization

The anthurium, also known as the flamingo flower, stands out above all for its unusual inflorescences, to which it owes its German name. Under optimal conditions, these magnificent flowers appear all year round. The conditions in the living room at home are not always ideal for originally tropical plants such as the flamingo flower. This can be seen in yellow or brown leaves, among other things. But what does this discoloration of the leaves indicate, what is the flamingo flower missing?


Causes of yellow / brown leaves

Anthuriums are not the easiest houseplants to care for and in terms of light and water requirements, temperature and humidity, they are sometimes really small. It reacts quickly to mistakes in care by discolouring the leaves. But what are the reasons for this?

Lack of light

Unfavorable lighting conditions

In their natural habitat, the anthurium grows and thrives in rainforests, both on the ground (terrestrial) and as a so-called epiphyte on mighty giants of the jungle. Or it grows in the light shade of vast forests. Even if they grow as shade plants in their country of origin, they don't feel comfortable here in the shade or in the blazing sun, but they need sufficient light at all times.

Anthurium with white flowers
  • Yellowing or browning of the leaves can indicate too much sunlight
  • does not tolerate direct or blazing sun
  • too dark a location leads to similar discolouration
  • a dark location can also lead to reduced flower formation
  • however, it needs enough light to thrive optimally

In order to prevent such discolouration of the leaves, it is advisable to give her a place in front of a sunny window and to leave it in the sun or in the sun. to shade on sunny days. The location should also be bright enough in winter. The chosen location is optimal if the leaves of the anthurium are shiny and it regularly produces new flowers.

Temperature fluctuation

If the lighting conditions meet the needs of the plants, unfavorable temperatures or Temperature fluctuations can be the cause of yellow leaf tips. Most often it reacts to low temperatures with yellowing of the leaf tips. The anthurium loves harmonious climatic conditions and should, if possible, not be exposed to major temperature fluctuations. Constant temperatures between 18 and 20 degrees are ideal, all year round, because the flamingo flower knows no seasons. It is definitely not advisable to put them outside in the summer months. They shouldn't stand colder than 16 degrees. Drafts and direct heating air also have an unfavorable effect.

Anthurium with pink flowers

Tip: Temperatures of 16 degrees in winter over a period of 4-6 weeks are only recommended to stimulate bud formation in Anthurium scherzerianum.

Wrong substrate

As a epiphyte plant, the anthurium does not develop widely branched roots like most other plants. Similar to an orchid, it has only one main root with small secondary roots. Your roots need light and air to live. If this is not the case, it reacts with brown leaves. Accordingly, the substrate should above all be loose, light, air and water permeable and low in nutrients.

wrong substrate can produce yellow leaves on anthurium

Compact potting soil is therefore not advisable as it would retain moisture for too long. Commercially available orchid soil is very suitable, or high-quality potting soil is mixed with plenty of styrofoam balls or expanded clay. Calcareous substrates are completely unsuitable.

Wrong watering

Improper watering

Improper watering, for example watering with hard, chalky water, often causes the leaves to turn yellow. If calcareous water gets on the leaves, the plant reacts with brown spots, which in the further course lead to yellowing of the entire leaf. The situation is similar when the roots absorb the calcareous water.

  • therefore, if possible, only water with lime-free rainwater
  • normal tap water should be stale for at least 2-3 days
  • waterlogging also leads to yellow or brown leaves
  • Anthurium is very sensitive to too much moisture
  • it inevitably leads to root rot
  • damaged roots can hardly absorb water
  • the result is brown, dried-up leaves
  • in case of root rot, repot the plant in question in fresh substrate as quickly as possible
  • cut off all rotten root parts and dispose of the old substrate
Anthuriums are not the easiest houseplants to care for

In order to prevent this problem in the future, one should pour significantly less. But not only too much moisture also a permanently too dry root stock leads to the leaves turning yellow. The roots should never dry out, because leaves and flower stalks grow from the fleshy rhizome. It is best to always water when the substrate has dried well to a depth of a few centimeters. Excess water in planters and saucers should always be removed quickly, it could encourage renewed infestation. If you water with hard water, it is advisable to repot in fresh substrate every year, because even stale water still contains a certain amount of calcium.

Air dryness

According to their tropical origin, flamingo flowers need a humidity of around 60 to 65%. These attractive plants suffer from dry air, especially in winter. Brown leaf tips can indicate that the air is too dry. You can remedy this by increasing the humidity. You can do this by setting up humidifiers, spraying the plants regularly, if necessary also daily, with soft water or setting up commercially available evaporators. An indoor fountain can also do a good job here.

Anthuriums usually suffer from dry air in winter


When fertilizing anthuriums, a sure instinct is required, because both a lack of nutrients and an excess are acknowledged with discoloration of the leaves. While a lack of brown discoloration will show, an excess will result in yellowing of the leaves. Basically, these plants are quite frugal in terms of nutrient requirements. But it doesn't work entirely without fertilizer.

Under certain circumstances, anthurium should not be fertilized at all or only a little

You fertilize about every two weeks with a commercially available liquid fertilizer in half the concentration. Care must be taken not to put the fertilizer on the dry substrate, this would burn the roots, which in turn causes leaf discoloration. It is best to water sparingly at first and fertilize a few hours later. Fertilizers that are also used for orchids are well suited, because both species thrive in nature in one and the same habitat with very similar requirements.

Tip: With this plant, which incidentally is one of the weak eaters, the following applies: fertilize moderately but regularly.

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