Flowering time: when do hydrangeas bloom? Info for 50 varieties

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Hydrangeas, hydrangea

table of contents

  • Hydrangeas
  • Garden hydrangeas
  • Panicle hydrangeas
  • Forest hydrangeas
  • Oak-leaved hydrangeas
  • Velvet hydrangeas
  • Climbing hydrangeas
  • Plate hydrangeas

The hydrangeas (bot. Hydrangea) are a well-known and extremely popular plant genus, the species of which bloom in numerous colors and at different times of the year. No matter if the blooming one Garden hydrangea 'Endless Summer' or the Japanese plate hydrangea 'Kiyosumi', hydrangeas simply want to inspire. Their flowering time differs from species to species, even from variety to variety. When do the plants bloom in the year?


With their magnificent inflorescences, hydrangeas are one of the most popular plants in German gardens. However, it is not always possible to determine the exact flowering time for this genus, as the species in this genus differ greatly from one another. Nevertheless, an average high season can be determined, especially in the moderate latitudes.

  • Generic standard: mid-May - late June
  • Flowering time with sufficient nutrients and good care possible until mid-September
Hydrangea with a light blue flower color
Hydrangea with a light blue flower color

These describe the general flowering time of the entire genus, as they mainly bloom in Germany, but the varieties differ significantly from one another. It should be noted that there could be many differences even within the individual species, as the varieties come from different breeders. These have adapted the plants according to their wishes and thereby directly influenced the flowering time. This makes the hydrangeas an extremely interesting plant genus, because the varieties can alternate in bloom from the first rays of sunshine in spring to the first frosts. The typical hydrangea species that are used as an ornamental plant in Germany are as follows.

  • Garden hydrangea (bot. Hydrangea macrophylla); also known as ball hydrangea or garden hydrangea
  • Panicle hydrangea (bot. Hydrangea paniculata)
  • Forest hydrangea (bot. Hydrangea arborescens); also known as snowball hydrangeas
  • Oak-leaved hydrangea (bot. Hydrangea quercifolia)
  • Velvet hydrangea (bot. Hydrangea sargentiana)
  • Climbing hydrangea (bot. Hydrangea sargentiana)
  • Plate hydrangea (bot. Hydrangea serrata); also known as Japanese tea hydrangea

These can be found in numerous hardware stores, florists and even supermarkets. However, you must not assume that all of the varieties listed are always available. Here it is advisable to contact a specialist dealer who either specializes in hydrangeas or has a wide range of plants. The following list is structured in such a way that you first see the species name and then the associated varieties with their corresponding flowering time and color.

Garden hydrangeas

'Endless Summer'

  • Flowering period: May to September
  • Color: pink, white, blue, bright pink


  • Flowering period: May to September
  • Colour blue

'Magical Four Seasons' Amethyst'

  • Flowering period: mid-June to October
  • Color: green-pink

'Forever and Ever'

  • Flowering period: July - September
  • Color: white, light pink, light blue

'You and Me Romance'

  • Flowering period: June to September
  • Colour blue


  • Flowering period: July - September
  • Color: pure white, light blue
Hydrangea with pink flower color
Hydrangea with pink flower color

'Pirates Gold'

  • Flowering period: June - September
  • Color: pink-white


  • Flowering period: May to September
  • Color: lavender


  • Flowering period: June to September
  • Colour blue

'Mme. Emile Moulliere ‘

  • Flowering period: beginning of July - October
  • Color: white, delicate pink

'Cityline Venice'

  • Flowering period: June to the end of August
  • Color: blue, pink

'Beautiful Bautznerin'

  • Flowering period: July - October
  • Color: purple, rose red


  • Flowering: late June to mid-September
  • Color: pink


  • Flowering period: July to the end of September
  • Color: pink-red

'Bouquet Rose'

  • Flowering period: June to mid-September
  • Color: pink-purple
Panicle hydrangeas in the garden bed
Panicle hydrangeas in the garden bed

Panicle hydrangeas


  • Flowering period: July - September
  • Color: pink, creamy white


  • Flowering period: July - August
  • Color: white, light yellow

'Little Lime'

  • Flowering period: July - September
  • Color: lime green, pink, white

'Wim's Red'

  • Flowering period: beginning of August - mid-September
  • Color: burgundy, cream-white


  • Flowering period: August - October
  • Color: pink, creamy white


  • Flowering period: May - June
  • Color: cream white


  • Flowering period: July - September
  • Color: pink, cream-white

'Vanilla Fraise'

  • Flowering period: August - end of September
  • Color: cream white, pink

'Silver Dollar'

  • Flowering period: August - September
  • Color: greenish white, pale pink

'Pinky Winky'

  • Flowering period: August - September
  • Color: yellowish-white, reddish

'Great Star'

  • Flowering period: July - September
  • Color: pink, creamy white


  • Flowering period: June to August
  • Color: yellowish white, pink


  • Flowering period: mid-August to October
  • Color: pink, creamy white


  • Flowering period: July - September
  • Color: cream white, pink
colorful hydrangeas in the garden
colorful hydrangeas in the garden

Forest hydrangeas


  • Flowering period: late June - early September
  • Color: pure white


  • Flowering period: beginning of July - beginning of September
  • Color: cream white

'Hayes Starburst'

  • Flowering period: mid-July to September
  • Color: creamy white, decorated with greenish tones

Oak-leaved hydrangeas


  • Flowering period: July - September
  • Color: pure white


  • Flowering period: mid May - mid June
  • Color: pure white

'Pee Wee'

  • Flowering period: June to the end of July
  • Color white
Hydrangea with whitish flowers
Hydrangea with whitish flowers

Velvet hydrangeas


  • Flowering period: July - August
  • Color: light purple


  • Flowering period: mid-June to August
  • Color: white, pink, purple


  • Flowering period: July - August
  • Color: white, reddish purple

'Hot Chocolate'

  • Flowering period: May to September
  • Color: pink, purple

Climbing hydrangeas

'Silver Lining'

  • Flowering period: July - August
  • Color white


  • Flowering period: beginning of June - end of July
  • Color yellow


  • Flowering period: beginning of May - mid-June
  • Color white


  • Flowering period: June to July
  • Color: cream white
Plate hydrangea with purple flowers
Plate hydrangea with purple flowers

Plate hydrangeas


  • Flower: pink, white-pink
  • Color: June - September


  • Flowering period: June to September
  • Color: soft pink, light blue

'Impératrice Eugenie'

  • Flowering period: July - September
  • Color: light blue, white-pink, purple

'Golden Sunlight'

  • Flowering period: June to September
  • Color: white, cream white, pink


  • Flowering period: July - October
  • Color: pure rose, light blue

'Blue Deckle'

  • Flowering period: July - October
  • Color: pink, light blue


  • Flowering period: June to September
  • Color: light rose, ice blue
Hydrangea with a magnificent inflorescence in shades of pink
Hydrangea with a magnificent inflorescence in shades of pink

Tip: If you want to have one of the above mentioned varieties in your garden, you only have to give the name of the variety together with the name of the species, for example garden hydrangea. The correct selection is possible without the species name, but you could confuse, for example, the grandiflora varieties of panicle and forest hydrangeas.