Hardy & evergreen shrubs: 33 species

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table of contents

  • Ground cover species
  • Dwarf shrubs
  • Small shrubs
  • Medium high species
  • Large evergreen hardy shrubs
  • frequently asked Questions

Evergreen shrubs belong in every normal garden. When all the flowers have wilted and the autumn wind has blown the last leaves from the trees, they bring color to the dreary gray.

In a nutshell

  • evergreen and hardy shrubs are very long-lived
  • they keep their green leaf dress even in winter
  • thrive in different locations
  • some are poisonous to humans and / or animals

Ground cover species

Ground cover-Yew (Taxus baccata) 'Repandens'

Ground cover yew " Repandens"
  • flat, almost creeping, branched horizontally
  • up to 60 cm high and 180 cm wide
  • high shade tolerance, endangered by late frost
  • dark green shoots, needles
  • fresh to moist soil in sunny locations
  • Protect from extreme frosts and intense winter sun

Dickman (Pachysandra terminalis)

Fat male (pachysandra terminalis), evergreen shrubs
  • Ground cover for partially shaded and shady locations
  • low, mat-shaped, spreading growth
  • tolerates strong root pressure
  • flowers from April to May
  • white spike-shaped flowers

Tip: The fat man is sensitive to the compaction of the topsoil.

Large-leaved evergreen (Vinca major)

Large-leaved periwinkle (Vinca major)
  • mat-like growth, upright, arching, runners
  • about 20-30 cm high
  • Flowering period April to May
  • cup-shaped, violet-blue flowers
  • Winter protection is recommended in particularly rough locations

Tip: Both the large and small periwinkles are poisonous.

Honeysuckle 'Maigrün' (Lonicera nitida)

Honeysuckle 'Maigrün' (Lonicera nitida), evergreen shrubs
  • fast-growing, tolerates pruning
  • ideally suited for shaped cuts
  • Growth height up to 100 cm, up to 45 cm wide
  • calyx-shaped, creamy white flowers in May
  • Locations that are as sheltered from the wind as possible

Tip: As an evergreen shrub, the honeysuckle is an attractive substitute for boxwood.

Creeping honeysuckle (Lonicera pileata)

Creeping honeysuckle (Lonicera pileata), evergreen shrubs
  • creeping ground covering growth
  • about 15-20 cm high, 30-40 cm wide
  • blooms from July to August
  • yellowish-white flowers with a delicate honey scent
  • Winter protection is recommended in particularly rough locations

Creeper 'Emerald'n Gaiety' (Euonymus fortunei)

Creeper 'Emerald'n Gaiety' (Euonymus fortunei), evergreen shrubs
  • broad, bushy, dense growth
  • up to 60 cm high and 80 cm wide
  • green and white variegated leaves
  • blooms from June to July
  • umbel-shaped, greenish-yellow flowers
  • after flowering inconspicuous fruits

lavender (Lavandula)

real lavender, Lavandula angustifolia
real lavender, Lavandula angustifolia
  • bushy, richly branched subshrub
  • up to 40 cm high and wide
  • Leaves narrow-linear, gray-tomentose
  • Flowering period July-September
  • simple, spike-shaped, purple flowers
  • The plant is intensely fragrant

Low billberry (Gaultheria procumbens)

Lower Gaultheria procumbensbens, evergreen shrubs
  • Forming runners with heights of up to 20 cm
  • dark green foliage, reddish in winter
  • Flowering period July to August
  • small, jar-shaped, white to pink flowers
  • red berry-like fruits from autumn to spring

Snow heather 'Antje' (Erica carnea)

Snow heather 'Antje' (Erica carnea), evergreen shrubs
  • new snow heather variety with unusual foliage color
  • pure yellow in summer to bronze-yellow in autumn / winter
  • creeping to ascending shoots
  • Growth height up to 30 cm, width up to 40 cm
  • Flowering period December to March
  • simple, pink, bell-shaped flowers

Cotoneaster 'Radicans'(Cotoneaster dammeri)

Cotoneaster dammeri, evergreen shrubs
  • creeping, densely branched growth
  • Growth height up to 15 cm, width up to 70 cm
  • Flowering period May to June
  • simple, bowl-shaped, white to reddish flowers
  • red to light red fruits in late summer
  • Slightly poisonous plant and fruits

Dwarf shrubs

Yellow-leaved mountain ilex 'Golden Gem'(Ilex crenata)

Yellow-leaved mountain Ilex 'Golden Gem' (Ilex crenata), evergreen shrubs
  • slow and broad-growing
  • up to 80 cm high
  • Leaves golden yellow when they shoot, later turning green
  • inconspicuous flowering from May to June
  • protect against drafts, especially in winter

Green upholsteryBarberry'Nana'(Berberis buxifolia)

Green upholstered barberry 'Nana' (Berberis buxifolia)
  • densely bushy, roundish to 50 cm high
  • very compact, easy to cut
  • Flowering time from May to June
  • forms small yellow clusters of flowers
  • Fruits rather rare

Slimeberry (Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis)

Slimeberry (Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis), evergreen shrubs
  • flat, densely bushy growth
  • slow-growing, forming runners
  • up to 40 cm high, 60-80 cm wide
  • dark green glossy leaves
  • Flowering period January to March
  • white, fragrant flowers
  • dark red to black fruits in summer, not edible

Snowy barberry (Berberis candidula)

Snowy barberry (Berberis candidula)
  • densely bushy, hemispherical, cushion-like growth
  • up to 100 cm high and 160 cm wide
  • Leaves dark green, undersides of leaves snow-white
  • partly yellow-red in autumn
  • Flowering period May to early June
  • Flowers golden yellow, bell-shaped

Silvery Holy Herb (Santolina chamaecyparissus)

Silvery Holy Herb (Silvery Holy Herb (Santolina chamaecyparissus), evergreen shrubs
  • bushy clump-forming growth
  • up to 50 cm high and wide
  • heavily pinnate, greyish-white leaves
  • Flowers from July to August
  • simple yellow, umbel-shaped flowers
  • protect from severe frosts

Grape heather (Leucothoe) 'Scarletta'

Grape heather (Leucothoe), evergreen shrubs
  • bushy, dense dwarf shrub
  • Growth height up to 40 cm, width up to 80 cm
  • Foliage scarlet red in spring, green in summer, wine red in autumn
  • reddish bronze-colored shoots
  • blooms from May to June
  • fragrant white flower clusters

Dwarf-liguster (Ligustrum vulgare) 'Lodense'

Dwarf privet 'Lodense' (Ligustrum vulgare), evergreen shrubs
  • low, dense growth
  • robust and location tolerant
  • up to 100 cm high and wide
  • reddish brown foliage in late autumn
  • Flowering period June to July
  • simple white panicle-shaped flowers
  • Alternative to the box hedge

Dwarf-rhododendron (Rhododendron impeditum)

Dwarf Rhododendron (Rhododendron impeditum)
  • densely branched growth
  • up to 45 cm high, 80 cm wide
  • Leaves in the shoot are bluish, later gray-green to blue-gray
  • gives off a spicy scent
  • Flowering period beginning to end of May
  • small pale purple flowers

Small shrubs

Saint bamboo (Nandina domestica)

Sacred bamboo (Nandina domestica), evergreen shrubs
  • loosely upright growing
  • up to 200 cm high, 180 cm wide
  • multi-pinnate foliage
  • slightly reddish in winter
  • Flowering period June to July
  • simple white panicle-shaped flowers
  • red berries in winter

Evergreen magnolia 'Summer Snowflake' (Magnolia dianica)

Evergreen Magnolia 'Summer Snowflake' (Magnolia dianica), evergreen shrubs
  • A piece of jewelery with compact growth
  • Maximum height of 200 cm
  • dark green foliage
  • graceful white, porcelain-like flowers from May to July
  • give off an enchanting scent
  • Protect young plants from severe frost

Tip: This pretty evergreen shrub shouldn't be pruned.

Laurel cherry 'Etna' (R) (Prunus laurocerasus)

Laurel cherry 'Etna' (R) (Prunus laurocerasus), evergreen shrubs
  • It grew broadly upright, branched
  • up to 200 cm wide, 150 cm wide
  • Leaf surface smooth and shiny
  • Shoots bronze-colored, later dark green
  • blooms from May to June

laurel-Snowball 'Eve Price' (Viburnum tinus)

Laurel viburnum 'Eve Price' (Viburnum tinus), evergreen shrubs
  • densely bushy, well-branched shrub
  • up to 200 cm high
  • dark green, narrow, ovate leaves
  • flowers from January to March
  • simple, slightly fragrant, white-pink umbrella grapes
  • from August oval, blue-gray fruits

Sacflower (Ceanothus)

Sackflower (Ceanothus), evergreen shrubs
  • bushy, branched subshrub
  • Height of 100-200 cm
  • dark green glossy foliage
  • blooms tirelessly from July to frost
  • deep blue spherical inflorescences

Shadow bells 'Mountain Fire' (Pieris japonica)

Mountain Fire (Pieris japonica), evergreen shrubs
  • slow-growing compact, height 120-160 cm
  • Shoots in various shades of red, later turning green
  • Flowering time from late March to May
  • simple white, panicle-like inflorescences, overhanging
  • protected location recommended

Ivy shrub 'Arborescens' (Hedera helix)

Shrub ivy (Hedera helix) arborescens
  • upright, compact, non-climbing form of the ivy
  • Heights up to 200 cm
  • Leaves heart-shaped, shiny, slightly wavy
  • simple yellow-green, umbel-shaped flowers from September to October
  • slightly poisonous

Medium high species

Firethorn 'Orange Glow' (Pyracantha coccinea)

Firethorn (Pyracantha coccinea), evergreen shrubs
  • bulky, narrow upright, up to 350 cm high
  • glossy dark green, ovate, leathery leaves
  • Flowering period from late May to June
  • simple white cupped flowers
  • from late summer decorative, orange-red fruits

Spring fragrance blossom (Osmanthus burkwoodii)

Spring fragrance blossom (Osmanthus burkwoodii)
  • broadly bushy, densely branched, up to 300 cm high
  • dark green foliage
  • Flowering period April to May
  • simple white, grape-shaped flowers with an incomparable fragrance
  • protected location recommended

Wrinkled viburnum (Viburnum rhytidophyllum)

Wrinkled viburnum (Viburnum rhytidophyllum), evergreen shrubs
  • loose, straight upright, up to 400 cm high
  • arching branches
  • Dark green leaves, felted undersides
  • Flowering period May to June
  • up to 20 cm wide, flat white panicles

Holly 'Silverqueen' (Ilex aquifolium)

Holly 'Silverqueen' (Ilex aquifolium), evergreen shrubs
  • elegant slim growth
  • at the age up to 400 cm
  • Leaves marbled gray-green with a white, serrated edge
  • creamy white flowers from the beginning of May to the beginning of June
  • decorative orange-red fruits
  • In very cold winters, a light cover is recommended

Star jasmine 'Star of Toscane' (Trachelospermum jasminoides)

Star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides), evergreen shrubs
  • well-branched, upright, dense, bushy climbing shrub
  • up to 300 cm high
  • flowers from May to September
  • simple small, pinwheel-like flowers
  • initially white, later bright yellow
  • give off an intense, lovely scent

Tip: This evergreen climbing shrub needs a climbing aid.

Large evergreen hardy shrubs

Cider gum eucalyptus (Eucalyptus gunnii)

Cider gum eucalyptus (Eucalyptus gunnii)
  • Large shrub or tree up to 500 cm high
  • smooth, white-green bark
  • Silver-bluish to green leaves, unmistakable fragrance
  • young leaves are round, older leaves are lanceolate
  • Flowering after seven years at the earliest
  • Creamy white scented, arranged in umbels
  • winter protection in case of stronger frost

Shrub Scots Pine 'Watereri'(Pinus sylvestris)

Shrub Scots Pine 'Watereri' (Pinus sylvestris), evergreen shrubs
  • broadly conical in youth
  • later irregular, dense, umbrella-like, broadly rounded
  • Branches prostrate to arching upwards
  • Growth height 400-600 cm
  • Needles shimmering gray-blue to steel-blue
  • elongated cones

White holly 'Argentea Marginata' (Ilex aquifolium)

White holly 'Argentea Marginata' (Ilex aquifolium), evergreen shrubs
  • compact, spreading, pyramidal growth
  • slow growing wild form
  • up to 700 cm high
  • dark green leaves with a white, serrated edge
  • Creamy white flowers from May to June
  • red fruits from October

frequently asked Questions

Do evergreen shrubs need to be cut?

While ornamental trees like magnolia or Japanese maples should not be cut at all or only in exceptional cases, others need one Regular pruning, for example, to get in shape, to stimulate growth, to rejuvenate or to make it luscious to bloom.

When is the best time to plant a shrub?

In general, most shrubs can be planted in autumn and spring. Planting in spring is ideal for shrubs that are more sensitive to frost, and autumn for hardy species. Planting in summer is not recommended.

How often should new plantings be watered?

New plantings have a higher water requirement. The floor should be noticeably damp. In the first year you water once a week with at least ten liters, from the second year on as required.

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