Roof seat in the garden

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A seat in the garden usually offers space for chairs and a table.
Sometimes there is still a barbecue on the seat. Since you don't want to bring these things back into the garden shed every time you use them, a covered seat is ideal.
A pergola is usually chosen to protect against prying eyes. If such a border already exists, there is a good basis for the roofing of the seat. High demands are made on the roofing of a seat in the garden.
Since the roof is usually permanently installed, it must be able to withstand the prevailing weather conditions all year round. It is therefore suitable for a permanent roof

Wood very well. But there are other options.

Possibilities for roofing a seat in the garden

The simplest variant is the roofing with a folding gazebo made of weatherproof plastic. These are available in every hardware store and in different colors and they are inexpensive.
The disadvantage is that they are usually dismantled over the winter and have to be laboriously rebuilt in the following spring. In addition, they do not necessarily defy all weather. Even an exact construction does not guarantee that the pavilion will fall victim to a storm.

A massive wooden canopy is a lot better for seating in the garden. You have to invest a little more time to set it up

Bringing craftsmanship and digging deeper into your pocket, such a roof will last for several years, if not decades. If the roof is firmly connected to the earth, a building permit may be required.
A possible seat canopy can be bought as a finished kit or you just buy the material and design the canopy according to your own ideas. A wooden pavilion, which is also available as a ready-made kit, is also highly recommended. But you can also have it custom-made and built by a company.

Build your own patio cover

The independent roofing of a seat in the garden can be achieved by anyone with a little technical talent. The base of the roof is a foundation. How big this should be depends on how big you want your seat to be. If there is already a concrete seat, there is of course no need to lay a foundation.
The load-bearing components of the canopy are posts. These must be concreted in firmly. As a roof you can opt for a

Opt for translucent material or a real roof with tiles.
That depends on your own taste, what you want to spend on the roofing and what knowledge you have when it comes to roofing. If necessary, however, you can hire a specialist to cover the roof.
It is important that the roof has an angle of inclination so that rainwater can run off. In addition, it should also be noted how the incidence of the sun changes over the course of the day.
Particularly when a decision has to be made between a roof made of wood and a roof made of glass or something similar, it has to be thought about. Under a glass roof it can get uncomfortable very quickly, the sun shines on it from midday to evening. In that case, the patio cover is of little use.
The right material plays a key role in the durability of the patio cover. The wood used for the posts and for the roof structure must therefore be suitable for outdoor use. Metal parts like screws and angles are best chosen from stainless steel.