Catching the dormouse: 6 baits and methods of catching them

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Catch dormouse

table of contents

  • Catch dormice
  • Traps alive
  • bait
  • fruit
  • vegetables
  • Animal food bait
  • Tree seeds
  • Cereals and muesli

When a dormouse moves into the house, it can be the start of a nerve-wracking period. Most of the time, the animal or even several nestle in the attic and the noise usually starts when you want to go to sleep. Sooner or later the dormouse should disappear again. One problem with this is that he is under protection and not allowed to be killed. Catching it and releasing it back into nature is the only option. We show which baits can be used to successfully capture dormice.

Catch dormice

Without knowing something about the dormouse (Glis glis) it is almost impossible to capture it successfully.

  • hibernates
  • Rodent, therefore damage to wood or other furnishings possible
  • predominantly nocturnal
  • Tree dweller, climbs well, even on vertical surfaces
  • also finds small entry opportunities
  • Loners or family groups
  • The reproductive season begins a month after hibernation
  • hibernation may fail in warm attics
  • eats seeds, shoots, buds, leaves, nuts, local fruit
  • well developed sense of smell
  • too small live traps are not used
  • Tail can be thrown off
  • good sense of direction

The rodents are protected in Germany. Still that is Capture of dormice permitted, provided that it is done with the help of a live trap, i.e. the animals must neither be killed nor injured. Killing him and getting caught can be very expensive depending on the state. Since the animals rarely appear individually in the house, several must usually be caught, so patience is required.


Traps alive

These are available in various sizes in stores or from local hunters or hunters. Ranger. With a bit of luck, you can borrow them there and get a few tips on how to use the traps correctly or on various methods of how to catch the dormouse without damage. If you suspect that there are several animals, you can set several traps. The same applies if the attic or the room in which the dormice are located is very large.

How to find the right trap:

  • big enough for a dormouse
  • he must still be able to move in it after the catch
  • Mesh as small as possible
  • The flap must not close tightly in order not to endanger the tail

How to set up the trap correctly:

  • there is no need to hide the traps
  • Place bait in the trap
  • Open the flap and fasten it accordingly
  • Don't forget to check regularly

After the catch, the animal is released into nature. However, the place should be as far away as possible, the minimum distance is about 10 km. Or there is an obstacle in the way that the animal cannot overcome, including: a lake, a river, a city or a mountain.

Whenever possible, avoid catching the glis glis with your hands or lifting it by the tail. On the one hand, the rodent can bite sensitively and, on the other hand, the animal can lose its tail in the process.


Regardless of which attractant is used, care should be taken to ensure that it smells as little of people as possible. Therefore, wear gloves when preparing or attaching the bait to the trap.

Forbidden are all kinds of Poison baitsas this rodent is protected. They are also not suitable for other reasons. If the animal is poisoned and dies in any hole or niche, it will be difficult to find and dispose of the carcass before the stink of putrefaction becomes unbearable. Also, be careful when trapping the dormouse during the breeding season. Orphaned pups may be left behind and die without care.


Above all, the dormice prefer local fruit. Pieces of apple or pear slices are particularly popular and also lure the animals into a trap. Some of the rodents also go to other fruits, for example bananas or peaches, but mostly exotic fruits are spurned. Fruit has the disadvantage that it does not stay fresh. It must be replaced regularly, if it starts to go moldy or rot, the animals will no longer accept it. Since dormice have a good sense of smell, unripe fruit is not as attractive to them as fully ripe fruit.

Bowl of fruit


As a rule, dormice do not eat vegetables, they are not on their menu. Even so, you can try ripe, raw pieces of vegetables to catch them. If the animals are curious, they may also try unfamiliar vegetables. This works as an attractant especially when the glis glis can hardly get to other food. The same applies to vegetables as to fruit, they have to be changed regularly.

Animal food bait

Dormice feed mainly on plants, but sometimes also eat insects or, like the squirrel, bird eggs or Fledglings. Dried mealworms, for example, can be used to attract people. These are difficult to fasten loosely in the trap, so they are mixed with some melted lard to form a compact mass. Once this has cooled and solidified, it can be cut into cubes and placed in the trap as bait.

tip: Animal lard is basically well suited to shaping other feedstuffs that are attractive for the dormouse into a mass. An alternative to this is coconut oil.

Not suitable are:

  • cheese
  • bacon
  • Sausage, ham
  • meat

Tree seeds

Dormice like to eat nuts, acorns, beechnuts and other fruits from trees. These can be used as bait, but the best time to catch the small rodent is over when the tree seeds are ripe. If a dormouse lives in the attic and is supposed to be caught after hibernating, you can collect some of the fruit in autumn.


  1. Collect different tree fruits, preferably when they have just fallen from the tree. Beechnuts are one of the rodents' favorite foods.
  2. The seeds are dried, for this it is sufficient to spread them out in a warm room and store them for a while in a single layer.
  3. Transfer them to nets or cloth bags for storage, after which they can be hung in a dry place.
    caution: Other pests also like nuts and seeds as food.
  4. If tree fruits are to be used as a lure to catch the dormice, they are freed from their shells and then mixed with liquid lard.
  5. Let the mass cool and solidify, then it is cut into pieces and placed in the trap.

Cereals and muesli

Although grains are not suitable as attractants, processed grains can be attractive to dormice. Bread works particularly well, possibly with a sweet topping, such as jam. Cereal or oat biscuits are sometimes also accepted. A muesli mass can also be easily made yourself:

  1. Use different ingredients of muesli as ingredients, such as nuts, oat flakes and dried fruits or vegetables. Raisins. Peanut butter, nut cream or lard and a little water are suitable for binding.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a bowl with a spoon (not with your bare fingers). The "dough" shouldn't be too thin, but it should be easy to knead.
  3. Form small balls that can then be placed in the trap to attract.
Dormouse in the gutter

Note on prevention: If you offer the dormouse enough nesting opportunities and food in the garden, you can usually avoid being interested in the house at all.

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