Best time to plant roses in the garden and in pots

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Roses generally love being sunny and airy and shouldn't be planted too densely. Otherwise there is poor air circulation in the rose bed, on the rose trellis or in the bucket. Their long roots also need enough space for them to thrive. The right time to plant it in the garden and in pots plays a very important role for the queen of flowers. Here, however, it depends on whether the roses are so-called bare-root roses or container roses.
Bare-rooted roses
Bare-root roses are roses that are not planted in a container or pot and are available in stores from mid-October to the end of April. Some roses are wrapped in foil to protect their roots. These roses can be planted out as long as the ground is no longer or not yet frozen. If the roses are planted out in spring, they will still bloom in the year of planting, but not until late. If they are planted in autumn, they will get a well-warmed soil. There is usually enough rain for the roses to grow well and for new roots to develop before frost. In the following spring, these roses are ready for new shoots and an early first bloom.

Before planting in autumn, the shoots of the roses are cut to approx. Cut back 25 to 35 centimeters. When planted in spring to 15 centimeters. The roots are also shortened a little. Before the

Planting in the ground, the roses are placed in a bucket of water overnight. You need to be able to soak up well with water.
Tip: Always pay attention to the weather. At the time of planting, it should not be cold and damp. Don't plant roses during rainy seasons!

Planting hole
Dig out the planting hole with a spade. The size of the planting hole depends on the size of the root ball. The width and height of the planting hole should always be a hand's breadth larger than the circumference of the roots. The bottom of the planting hole is loosened with a digging fork so that the roots can grow well into the earth. This increases the stability of the rose.
Potting soil
Rose soil from the trade or a self-mixed plant substrate with approx. one third of mature compost. You can also mix in some finely ground lime and mineral fertilizer.
Insert rose

  • The refining point must be five centimeters below the surface of the earth
  • Roots should hang freely in the air
  • Fill the planting hole with soil
  • Step on earth lightly
  • Water vigorously with a hose or watering can

Tip: The bare-root roses planted in autumn are then piled up immediately. Only the shoot tips should look out.

Container roses
Container roses are roses that are in containers

or pots are planted. They are usually available in stores all year round and can be planted all year round. However, the ground must not be frozen for this type of offer either.
Container roses are also well watered before planting. To do this, they are placed in a bucket with water with a pot and only removed again when no more air bubbles rise.
Planting hole
The width and depth of the planting hole should be twice the ball circumference of the container rose. Here, too, the soil in the hole is loosened well again.
Potting soil
You can also use rose soil for container roses or mix the soil yourself. To make it easier for the roses to grow, it is also possible to mix the soil from the container with compost and add it to the planting hole.
Insert rose
Remove the pot very carefully and loosen the roots of the container rose a little. The container roses are also planted so deep that their refinement point is five centimeters below the surface. Fill the planting hole with soil and lightly step on it. Then water the rose well.
Tip: You can also set up a so-called pouring wall for all roses. When treading on the earth, a small depression forms anyway, which you can deepen further, so that a wall is created around it and the irrigation water can no longer run away.

Rose tired soil
If you want to plant roses in a place in your garden where roses have stood for years, new specimens will thrive very poorly or not at all. Experts suspect this soil fatigue as a result of the interaction of nematodes (root elbows), root excretions from the roses and microorganisms. If you still want to plant roses at this point, open a very large planting hole (approx. 80 x 80 x 80 centimeters) and fill it up with humus soil from another garden area in which there were no roses.
Roses in the pot
The best time to plant roses in pots and containers is spring. in the

In principle, you can plant each rose in a tub. However, you should prefer resistant varieties so that they can survive the winter well and are less susceptible to disease.
The roses are watered well and shortened a little. The duration and the cut depend on the type of offer: container roses or bare-rooted specimens.
The pots, troughs and buckets should always be big enough and deep enough. A cylindrical shape of the pots is best as the roses have long tap roots. The root ball must have at least 10 centimeters of space on each side of the planter up to the wall of the planter in order to develop properly. It is essential that the vessels have a drainage hole.
Plant substrate
For the roses in the pot, rose earth from the trade is also recommended. However, if you want to mix the soil yourself, you can use approx. Add a third of mature compost and some finely ground lime and mineral fertilizer, just like the mixture for the roses in the garden. To save yourself fertilizing in summer, mix in a few more horn shavings. These have a good long-term fertilizer effect.
Insert rose
  • Pottery shard on drain hole
  • a layer of gravel on top
  • then a piece of fleece
  • Fill in a little plant substrate
  • Insert the rose loosely
  • Refinement office approx. five inches below the surface
  • Fill in substrate around the root ball
  • Substrate surface two finger widths below the edge of the vessel
  • Press down the substrate well
  • water well

The growth in the first few months and the first flowering of the roses depend on when they are planted, especially with bare-root roses. While container roses have it easier, as they already have a considerable amount of roots, bare-root roses have to first root through well in order to be able to absorb sufficient nutrients - regardless of whether they are planted in the garden or in pots will. Container roses can even be planted after they are in bloom.