Harvesting tree nuts: the basics of drying and storing

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Harvest walnuts, tree nuts

table of contents

  • Harvest tree nuts
  • dry
  • Places to store
  • Duration of the drying process
  • To store
  • Control of the walnuts
  • Freeze

Is an older one Walnut tree in the garden, harvesting in a good location quickly results in 25 to 55 kilograms of tree nuts. Given these amounts of nuts, the question is where to put them? Giving away is one possibility, the other is storage. In order for the walnut to last for a long time, it must be dried before storage. The nuts can keep for up to three years.

Harvest tree nuts

Tree nuts are not picked, but collected. Since only fully ripe tree nuts should be used for drying and storage, you must pay attention to the right time when harvesting. According to the calendar, this is the period between mid-September and the end of October. Specifically, the nuts are collected when they are on the ground under the walnut tree, because then they are fully ripe. Under no circumstances should you shake them off the tree or even pick them, because they are not yet at the right level of ripeness. If the first specimens fall from the tree, you should harvest them daily. If you lie too long in the damp grass, mold quickly forms and this means that the nuts are inedible.

If the tree nuts do not fall on the lawn, you should still harvest them quickly, as rain, dew and frost also lead to mold growth. On the other hand, you don't have to worry if the walnuts are still hanging on the tree. Because in this case frost and rain do not harm them.

Walnut tree with green fruits


Once the tree nuts have been collected, they must be quickly prepared for drying to prevent mold from forming. Therefore, it is best to treat the walnut immediately after collecting it. First and foremost is cleaning. It is best to use a brush and your fingers to remove all remains of the peel. Washing the nuts is viewed differently in the non-commercial sector. As a rule, it is not advisable, as moisture can penetrate the walnut with the water and there is a risk of rot or rot. Mold growth increases. If the walnut is to be washed anyway, this should only be done briefly and without pressure so that the moisture cannot penetrate. Also, after washing the walnut, you need to dry it with paper towels or clean towels.

tip: You should wear gloves so that your hands and fingers are not stained by the tannins of the walnuts. Since the tannins cannot be removed from clothing, you should protect them as well.

Once the green, brown and black shell residues have been removed from the walnuts, you should inspect them. This is to ensure that no sick, rotten or moldy specimens dry or healthy ones do not become infected. Sort out any walnuts that you notice any of the following:

  • open (slightly open)
  • moldy
  • black spots
  • wrinkled

If the nuts to be dried are now set, they are placed on a suitable surface, such as:

  • several layers of (newspaper) paper, only the black and white parts
  • spread cotton or linen towels
  • old towels
  • Cloths stretched on a frame (stackable)
  • Fruit boxes, if necessary cover with newspaper
  • fine-meshed sieves
  • Grates
  • frames covered with wire

The walnuts are placed in a single layer. In addition, they are not allowed to touch. At the beginning of the drying time, the tree nuts are turned once or twice a day. During the drying time, turning takes place every two to three days. When turning, also check whether mold has formed, because these specimens must be sorted out. If the underlay is damp, you should replace it with a dry one.

walnut tree fruit walnut

Places to store

In addition to the right underlay, the place where the drying process takes place also plays an important role. It should have the following properties:

  • Uniform temperature between 20 ° C and 23 ° C
  • dry
  • airy

These ideal conditions are usually found in attics or boiler rooms. Living spaces are also generally considered if you have the necessary space, because the drying process takes several weeks. Drying outdoors, should autumn bring warm days, is possible, but requires effort. Because the walnut has to spend the night in a dry room so that the subsequent moisture does not destroy the drying process or mold from moisture. There is also the risk that the maximum drying temperature (25 ° C) will be exceeded quickly due to the autumn sun.

Exceeding the ideal drying temperature is also the reason why the oven, microwave or dehydrator are out of the question for drying. Because if the temperature is exceeded, the nuts will go rancid. Drying over a heater is also not recommended for this reason.

Duration of the drying process

How long the drying process takes depends on the weather. If the summer was warm and the weather was dry during the harvest, you should expect two to three weeks. After a wet summer and rainfall during harvest, the drying process takes three to six weeks. If you are unsure whether the walnuts are already dry, then you'd better wait.

tip: The walnuts are really dry when their separating membranes crack when opened.

To store

So that you can enjoy the dried nuts for a long time, they must be stored properly. Depending on the fat content, you can store walnuts for 18 to 24 months. For a minimum storage period of 12 months without any loss of quality, the storage location should have the following properties:

  • Temperature: 10 ° C to 18 ° C
  • Humidity: 50 to 65 percent (= normal living conditions)
  • well ventilated
  • No odor-intensive food or cleaning products or chemicals in the environment (nuts absorb the smell and no longer taste good.)
  • The following are suitable for storing dried nuts:
  • Onion sacks (Raschel sacks)
  • Sacks of potatoes
  • Burlap sacks
  • Fruit or Potato horde (wooden stacking boxes)
  • woven baskets

It is important that bags or Crates are breathable. Therefore, plastic bags or containers are not suitable for storage. You should hang up the sack if possible so that the nuts get air from all sides when they are stored. This also keeps mice away from the tree nuts.


Control of the walnuts

In order to recognize pest infestation and mold growth on the nuts, you must check the nuts before storage and regularly during the storage period. Sort out any damaged and opened copies before putting them away. Because she likes to move into this Dried fruit moth a. You should also check for mold growth during the storage period. Because when mold occurs, also as a late infection, fungal toxins (mycotoxins) can form. Aflatoxin is particularly dangerous. It is considered carcinogenic and damages the liver and kidneys.


You can also freeze the walnuts if you need to store smaller quantities. If frozen with the shell on, they will keep in the freezer for 18 to 36 months. However, they will take up less space if you peel and freeze the tree nuts as soon as they are dry. The nut halves or the chopped nuts will keep for six to twelve months. When finely ground, you should not freeze the tree nuts as they lose their taste quickly.

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