Filtering well water: options and costs

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Filter well water - costs

table of contents

  • filter
  • Filters for drinking water
  • Investments
  • frequently asked Questions

If you use a machine to filter the water from your own well, you can even achieve the quality of drinking water. Depending on the requirements, however, this also entails costs of several hundred euros.

In a nutshell

  • Well water can be filtered relatively easily on a mechanical basis
  • A special filter system is required for this
  • The system must be integrated into the pipe from the well to the house
  • The cost of this depends on the type of filter and whether you need a professional to install it


Your own well can be worth gold. In any case, it makes you independent and helps to save water fees. The water from your own garden is always suitable for service water. The situation is different, however, if the quality of drinking water is to be achieved. Well water is often not enough. A filter can help here. There are basically three options:

  • Filters to hold back fine sand
  • Filters against iron and manganese
  • Universal filter for drinking water quality
Water pu

Before you get started, get one filter a professional water analysis is essential. It shows how the water quality is actually going and where reworking may have to be done. Based on the analysis results, you can then choose a specific filter or decide on a filter system. If you only want to hold back fine sand, you can use a very simple filter. It essentially consists of a very fine sieve that naturally filters the sand out of the water. However, anyone who actually aims at drinking water quality needs a relatively complex system that works mechanically, so to speak.

Note: With filters for drinking water quality there are always follow-up costs. The filters work with special inserts (cartridges) that have to be changed regularly.

Filters for drinking water

Drinking water has to meet certain requirements in this country. This is regulated in the Drinking Water Ordinance, which sets very narrow limit values ​​for many ingredients. These substances and potential pathogens include:

  • ammonium
  • iron
  • manganese
  • nitrate
  • nitrite
  • E-coli bacteria
  • Enterococci
Mount the garden pump

In addition, drinking water must have a pH value between 6.5 and 9.5. Depending on how the well water is polluted, the respective filter must be selected. However, there are also relatively complex filter systems that to a certain extent cover possibilities. It almost goes without saying that such systems are to be preferred if drinking water is to be treated permanently. Since the water quality can change over time, you are prepared for all eventualities.

Tip: Before choosing a filter or a filter system decides, you should definitely get detailed advice from an expert. And of course the water has to be tested beforehand.


How much a filter or a filter system costs depends on the respective design and the manufacturer. General information on this is not possible. A simple iron filter is available in stores, for example, from around 50 euros. Complex systems, on the other hand, can cost several hundred euros. An important point in this context is also the installation of the filter. The question is: Can and should it be carried out yourself or does it require an installer. A professional is always recommended if the well water is to be used in the house. However, this also entails considerable additional costs, which are largely dependent on the amount of work involved.

frequently asked Questions

When does a filter make sense?

Whenever the well water is to be used as drinking water, a filter has to be more or less. Hardly any private well delivers water of drinking water quality right from the start.

Does irrigation water have to be filtered?

Not necessarily. Vegetables and fruits from your own garden should then be cleaned thoroughly, especially to protect them from pathogens.

Where can I find filters or who can advise you?

There are specialist dealers who specialize in water filters and the treatment of water. They are relatively easy to find on the Internet.