Is real laurel hardy? How to properly overwinter it

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Laurel, Laurus nobilis

table of contents

  • Hardiness
  • Climate regions
  • Overwinter
  • Outdoors
  • In rooms

The real laurel is one of the essential aromatic plants of the Mediterranean garden and is a popular guest in your own garden due to its cut resistance. The spice laurel is also used as a spice in the kitchen because of its essential oils. Due to its origin from the warm Middle East and the spreading to the Mediterranean area Many laurel owners ask whether the plant is hardy and, if not, how it will overwinter functions.


Is the real laurel hardy?

The hardiness of real laurel, also called Mediterranean laurel, cannot be defined directly, as there are regional differences in Germany with regard to the possible location. Spice laurel withstands temperatures down to -5 ° C on average and can withstand -10 ° C for short periods, but this has a strong effect on the vitality of the plant. In the Mediterranean and in the original homeland, that can be Laurel family (bot. Lauraceae) remain outside all year round and neither needs winter protection, nor does a separate winter quarters have to be set up for the plant. Especially in Germany, the spice laurel can overwinter outdoors with winter protection in the following regions.

  • Heligoland
  • Lake Constance
  • Rhineland
  • Palatinate
  • western Baden-Württemberg without the Black Forest
  • numerous wine-growing areas in western Germany
  • North Sea coast
  • Baltic coast near Denmark
Laurel, Laurus nobilis
Laurel, Laurus nobilis

Climate regions

In east, south-east and central Germany, keeping them in the garden is not possible because the temperatures are simply too low. The climatic conditions on Heligoland are impressive, because there are even specimens that have been completely without since the 1980s Winter protection get along. This point must be observed in the winter hardiness of the laurel bushes and hedges: that Age of the plant. The younger the plant, the greater the need for winter protection in the garden. It is the same with freshly planted specimens, as they need a certain amount of time until they are firmly rooted in the earth.

Tip: Do not confuse the spice laurel (bot. Laurus nobilis) with the cherry laurel (bot. Prunus laurocerasus) in terms of winter hardiness. With the exception of a few varieties, Prunus laurocerasus has a high level of frost resistance and is required in most of them There is no winter protection, but the two plants may appear to be quite similar at first glance see.



Hibernate outdoors: instructions

If you live in one of the regions mentioned above or wherever the winters are pleasantly mild and as free of snow as possible, then nothing stands in the way of wintering. However, the Winter protection Keep the laurel in the garden from the cold as effectively as possible, as it is only partially hardy despite its robust nature. The correct location of the plant is particularly important when wintering outdoors, because spice laurel can quickly die over the winter due to incorrect location conditions. Therefore, you should pay attention to the following points in the location.

1. Of the Location for the laurel should be sheltered from the morning sun. The side of the plant that faces east and south-east should be protected from the sun during the winter. House walls are particularly suitable for this. You can also set up a sun protection yourself, for example with a garden fleece or a tarpaulin, even a parasol can help. South-facing balconies are also a good choice if you keep the laurel in the bucket and have not planted it outdoors. One advantage of this location is the high level of solar radiation, which can thaw the earth a little and thus provide moisture for the roots.

2. Since the spice laurel is not hardy per se, it will be sufficient place needed around the plant for winter protection. Therefore, Laurus nobilis should not be placed in close proximity to other objects, as this could lead to a lack of space. The plant must be able to relax over the winter and even slightly kinked branches can affect the vitality of the laurel.

Laurel, Laurus nobilis
Laurel, Laurus nobilis

After you have decided on the location, you should consider whether you will plant the plant out or in pot want to hold. That Planting out Laurel is only recommended for really mild winters that are not subject to annual temperature fluctuations. So the plant can get used to the location over the years and survive the winter.

Keeping in a bucket is much better and offers several advantages:

  • The plant can be brought into the house in the event of sudden cold spells below -5 ° C
  • The plant can be repositioned if necessary, for example if the location is not ideal
  • the laurel does not dry out so quickly in the pot or bucket
  • the water supply is easier to manage over the winter months

That Planting out is not a good choice for wintering, especially if you do not live in one of the regions mentioned above, where spice laurel can be hardy to a certain extent. Therefore, if possible, you should always use the variant with bucket because the plant can always be brought into the warmer interior rooms in an emergency. If you still dare to plant outdoors, you must proceed as follows for overwintering.

1. Besides the location, you don't need a lot of equipment for winter protection. The root ball must not be covered, as the soil always has to thaw a little in order to provide the real bay leaf with sufficient moisture. All you need is one of the following Coversthat keeps the plant warm on particularly cold nights.

  • Jute fabric
  • Winter protective hoods made of fleece

2. Pack the Crown of the real laurel well into the winter protection. This protects the plant from the cold.

3. If it's permanent Temperatures of over -5 ° C, you can omit the winter protection and only put it on on cool nights.

If you have decided to keep the bucket outdoors, you have to implement the winter protection a little differently.

Please follow the following points:

1. The location is chosen as described above, but this must be done in any case when keeping it in a bucket sheltered from the wind be. The reason for this is the rapid cooling of the planter. If the bucket freezes through in winter, the earth dries faster, which is not ideal for the real bay leaf. In addition, the container must stand firmly so that it does not fall over.

Laurus nobilis in the garden
Laurus nobilis in the garden

2. Choose a pot or bucket terracotta, as this effectively stores moisture over the winter. This overcomes bottlenecks during the cold season.

3. Winter protection, for example one fleece, you only need from -5 ° C. Use this especially at night.

4. Water regularly, but be sure to do that Substrate does not stay too moist. Therefore it is better to water a little more frugally than too much. In general, the substrate should be kept a little drier so that no waterlogging occurs, which then freezes.

With both methods, you must not forget to perform the topiary in late winter around March, for example if you are aiming for a pyramid shape.

Please note: Hibernating a planted laurel outdoors is very daring, as the weather in Germany can be quite cool. Even a few degrees Celsius more in the minus range can severely affect the Mediterranean plant, as it is neither hardy nor resistant to frost.

In rooms

Wintering laurel indoors: instructions

A bay laurel does not have to be hardy if you keep the plant and the container in a sheltered place from the cold Premises overwinter. Since the plant is never hardy in colder regions, this method is recommended.

Proceed as follows:

  • choose cool, light winter quarters
  • conservatories, greenhouses, unheated rooms or garden sheds with windows are ideal for this
  • Cellars and garages can also be used in combination with a bright plant light
  • Temperature: 0 ° C to 10 ° C
  • protected from drafts
  • water regularly in small quantities
  • regularly check for pests
Laurus nobilis is also called Mediterranean laurel
Laurus nobilis is also called Mediterranean laurel

The winter quarters are occupied from the end of November to mid-April. This variant is recommended for the laurel, which is not winter hardy.