Michelle, writer on Plantopedia

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Recognize giant hogweed Beware of burns! - Cover photo

Recognizing giant hogweed is very important in order to properly and specifically remove the plant with the botanical name Heracleum mantegazzianum ...

Linden tree death trap? Bumblebee deaths under linden trees

Dead bumblebees under linden trees are a typical sight in high and late summer when the trees are in full bloom ...

24 hardy hanging plants balcony & garden - cover picture

Hardy hanging plants can be found in surprisingly large numbers. However, not all species are evergreen. We ...

Keeping Indian runner ducks in the stable, forage & Co - cover picture

Keeping ducks is straightforward and does not require a lot of effort. You can keep them in almost any garden that ...

Sanding the lawn: How much sand per square meter? - Cover photo

The soil becomes more permeable and the plants stronger. Sanding the lawn has numerous advantages: But how much sand is ...

Chinese reed in a tub: Caring for reeds in a pot - cover picture

Chinese reed (Miscanthus sinensis) can be cultivated very well in a tub. If you also have the popular ornamental grasses in the pot ...

Shrew: toxic for dogs and cats? - Cover photo

Cats are very skilled hunters and love to catch shrews: however, these are poisonous and can ...

Planting hanging baskets 25 suitable plant species - cover picture

A hanging basket creates a summery atmosphere at a lofty height. For hanging baskets are not only suitable ...

Keep it small Cut the corkscrew willow correctly - cover picture

The corkscrew willow (Salix matsudana 'Tortuosa ‘) with its unusual growth and bizarre silhouette is an eye-catcher in every ...

Report giant hogweed If there is an obligation to report - cover picture

Information about the obligation to report giant hogweed is circulating, especially on the Internet. The giant hogweed is a dangerous plant ...

Cutting the mulberry tree: this is how it works - cover picture

Unlike apple or other fruit trees, you don't have to cut the mulberry tree (Morus) for a rich harvest. Yet ...

Hanging plants for the sunny balcony | 23 species - cover picture

Balcony plants enchant with their lush flowers. There is a large selection of houses for the sunny balcony ...

Report a blue wooden bee? Appearance & Occurrence - Cover Photo

The blue wooden bee (Xylocopa violacea) is not only particularly large, but also extremely with its bluish wings ...

Cutting phlox: when and how? cover photo

Cutting phlox is not absolutely necessary, but has various advantages. Find out which and when to how ...

Tuber vegetables: 25 edible & native varieties | List - cover picture

A healthy diet can be ideally achieved through edible and local tuber vegetables. In Central Europe, numerous species are ...

Sowing the lawn in spite of frost: is that possible? cover photo

If bald spots appear in the lawn in late autumn or winter, the question arises whether they are ...

Upholstery phlox, carpet phlox: multiply & cut - cover picture

Carpet phlox, the small variant of the popular flame flower, can be found in many gardens. We show you how to use the upholstery phlox ...

Harvesting Jerusalem artichokes: this is how it works - cover picture

Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) is a beautifully flowering perennial perennial. Your tubers are harvested from autumn and are ...

Care & Use | Cola cabbage - cover picture

Cola herb (Artemisia abrotanum) is not only a popular spice, but also a tried and tested medicinal plant. And the best is: ...

Risk of poisoning: Herbstzeitlose or wild garlic - cover picture

Every year from March to May, numerous people collect wild garlic in the German forests. So that it doesn't ...

Growing cat grass yourself: this is how it works - cover picture

Growing cat grass yourself is an effective way to provide your cat with digestive grass. In this guide ...

Alocasia zebrina propagate | This is how it works - cover picture

Alocasia zebrina can reproduce in three different ways. This way you can have your specimens ...

Snow mold in the lawn - cover picture

Snow mold (Microdochium nivale) in the lawn is a lawn disease that often occurs between October and March in damp, cold weather. Read ...

Wasp queen forbidden to kill? These penalties threaten - cover picture

The question often arises whether killing a queen wasp is a criminal offense. Whether the animals are under nature protection ...

Leaves: rake or leave? cover photo

In the kitchen and ornamental garden, leaves that you leave behind have advantages and disadvantages. Proper use of foliage can save you a lot of work. ...

Autumn crocus poisonous for pets & horses? - Cover photo

The pretty pink or purple autumn flowers of the autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale) make it easy to forget how deadly poisonous these ...

How to: Can you freeze basil? cover photo

Basil, also known as royal herb, is a popular culinary herb and an indispensable part of Italian dishes. We ...

How to Hibernate Avocado - Is It Winter Hardy? cover photo

The avocado, which is native to warm and humid regions, knows neither extreme cold nor frost and is therefore not hardy in this country. ...

Alocasia zebrina: location & care - cover picture

The Alocasia zebrina, also known as the arrow leaf or elephant ear because of the shape and size of its leaves, is a ...

55 perfect plants for the south-facing balcony - cover picture

Plants for the south-facing balcony are ideal if you are looking for plants in full sun. 55 beautiful ...

Harvest project: yellow ribbon on fruit tree | Meaning - cover picture

If there is a yellow ribbon on a fruit tree, it is a special harvest project. This is, for example, in orchards ...

Vanilla flower poisonous for humans & animals - cover picture

The vanilla flower (Heliotropium arborescens) is a popular ornamental plant in the ...

20 types of indoor ferns & care instructions - cover picture

When looking for a house fern, you are spoiled for choice. This article introduces 20 species that are ...

Planting cat grass, sowing & care - cover picture

Regardless of whether you like the look of Cyperus zumula or want to inspire your house tiger, planting cat grass is not difficult. ...

Propagating phlox - cover picture

Phlox is also known as the flame flower. The name is already an indication of the colorful and magnificent ...

Tansy as biological crop protection: Colorado beetle & Co - cover picture

Tansy is a thorn in the side of many hobby gardeners because it spreads quickly in the garden. However, let him ...

Locations for ferns: in the garden and as a houseplant - cover picture

Ferns are beautiful ornamental foliage plants for shady areas in the garden or as easy-care houseplant. Which location for fern ...

11 quick home remedies for snails in the garden - cover picture

Snails can quickly spoil the joy of gardening. Within one night the voracious mollusks can plant ...

Propagating ferns: 4 methods - cover picture

The prehistoric plants with their delicate fronds spread a lot of grace and beauty in the garden. Ferns are easy to care for and ...

Hibernating dahlias in pots: Instructions - cover picture

Dahlias (Dahlia) are sensitive to cold and can overwinter in a frost-free place in the pot. With the right guidance ...

Fighting & preventing rose rust - cover picture

Rose rust is a common and protracted fungal infection. Fighting rust takes patience and the right ...

Neem oil: natural plant protection against pests - cover picture

Neem oil is considered a natural plant protection agent and an effective home remedy for pest control. What distinguishes the plant protection product and how ...

Nettle manure for roses - cover picture

Nettle manure for roses is often used as fertilizer and to combat lice and other ...

Detecting and treating fruit tree cancer - cover picture

Recognizing the damage caused by fruit tree cancer and combating it at an early stage is crucial in order to prevent affected plants ...

12 ways to use nettles - cover picture

The nettle is one of the most important medicinal plants. In the garden it brings valuable insect food and strengthens the plants ...

Time: when to plant currants? cover photo

It is possible to plant currants all year round as long as there is no frost. Depending on the season, ...

Warning: these 3 ferns are poisonous - cover picture

Ferns are unproblematic contemporaries in many ways. They are easy to plant, quietly spread with no great effort, and ...

7 home remedies for black weevils | Coffee grounds & Co - cover picture

Black weevils are one of the most feared pests in the garden because of their appetite. 7 Natural Home Remedies You Can ...

Propagate forsythia with cuttings and cuttings - cover picture

Forsythia (Forsythia) welcome spring with their bright yellow flowers. Do not place any ...

Fighting vine weevils with nematodes - cover picture

Fighting black weevil (Otiorhynchus) is comparatively easy with nematodes, as long as the conditions are right when spreading ...

Planting irises: location and care - cover picture

If you plan to plant irises, you need to pay attention to the appropriate location and care. This allows ...

Shorten rubber tree: this is how it branches out ideally - cover picture

In order for the Ficus elastica to develop more bushy, you have to regularly shorten and cut the rubber tree. Through the ...

The ideal location for currants - cover picture

Currants are an example of how healthy can also taste delicious. If you want to grow the vitamin-rich berries in the garden, ...

The 11 Most Common Gum Tree Diseases - Cover Picture

Rubber trees are very popular as ornamental plants in this country. They are quite robust and extremely easy to care for. For beginners ...

Monstera growth in the year | Determine pot size - cover picture

The Monstera doesn't get its name by chance. Their dimensions can actually become "monstrous" in ...

How to: can you freeze savory?

The strong-tasting savory is the perfect spice for many winter dishes. It goes best with ...

Perennials for dry locations: planting plan

Perennial beds are great eye-catchers in the garden. Since the selection of perennials is almost endless, they can be ...

Concrete fence: the 9 key disadvantages

A concrete fence has numerous advantages. Including the function as privacy and sound protection. However, concrete fences also have significant ...

Rattlespot (Rhinanthus) - cover picture

The rattlespot or rhinanthus is a summer root plant and has some special features. Including, for example, the connection with a ...

Repotting rubber trees: when and how? | Instructions - cover picture

If you need to repot a rubber tree, there are a few things to keep in mind. We show you what is important and what ...