This is how you get rid of the animals

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Which vermin can occur?

With the abundance of domestic insects, there are many species that like to settle in flower pots.
Some examples are:

  • Sciarid gnats
  • Leaf miner
  • Spider mites
  • Centipede
  • worms
  • Rose chafer larvae
  • Snails

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  • Little white animals are up to mischief in the flower pot
  • Fight insects in the flower pot
  • Centipede in a flower pot

All of these animals can live unhindered in the garden soil, only in flower pots or tubs they have no business. The insects will always harm the plants grown there.

Fight pests

Usually it is not the adult animals that cause the plant damage, but rather the larvae that live in the soil. Once hatched, they feed on the roots of the cultivated plants. If the infestation is severe, they die off in a short time.
Worms and rose beetle larvae are beneficial insects that do helpful work in the garden, as they feed on dead plant material and contribute to the formation of humus. In the flower pot, on the other hand, their living space is far too small and they cannot find any food. So they also eat the roots of the plants.

Are there pests or beneficial insects in the Potting soil, they must be removed for the benefit of the cultivated plant. Chemical agents should not be used, as the poison they contain also kills useful animals. In addition, the chemicals are not recommended for humans either.

Getting rid of residents in the flower pot in a simple way

Many home remedies are suitable for removing pests and uninvited guests from the potting soil.

Sciarid gnats don't like sulfur. They die if you stick 6 - 8 matches, sulfur heads first, into the potting soil. Renewing the potting soil helps if the infestation is severe. The old soil is completely removed (also from the roots) and disposed of in the residual waste. If the flower pot is to be used again, it must be washed out with vinegar water, as there may still be mosquito eggs somewhere.

The larvae of leaf miners cause leaf damage. The infected leaves are collected. In order to prevent them from spreading, the leaves are best burned or disposed of in the general waste.

Many insects don't like water. If the entire flower pot is flooded for some time, worms, centipedes, snails or the larvae of the rose beetle will come to the surface. The animals can be collected and relocated.

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