One sheet ∗ The 10 best care tips

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Origin and Distribution

Spathiphyllum is not a single species, but a genus of plants with around 50 different species within the Araceae family. Most of these single-leaf variants have their home in the tropical regions of South America, many of which come from Colombia and have not yet been scientifically described. It thrives in its natural environment A leaf in the shade of the large jungle trees.

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  • Einblatt loves a bright location - with restrictions
  • Briefly introduced: The tropical single leaf and its suitability as a houseplant
  • Water the single leaf regularly


We use various of the 50 or so types of leaf as decorative or decorative elements. Indoor plants are cultivated, especially the white flowering Spathiphyllum floribundum and Spathiphyllum patinii and the species Spathiphyllum wallisii with the rapidly greening petals are important. There are also a number of special hybrids. The plant, which comes from tropical climes, is not, however, suitable for keeping in the garden but placed in a shady spot on the balcony or terrace in the warm summer months will.

Appearance and stature

All Spathiphyllum species are herbaceous and clumpy plants that grow between 30 to 120 centimeters high. The species is persistent and, with good care, can live for many years or even decades and during this time it can be a stately size - also in terms of size! - reach. A strong rhizome develops over the years. The single leaf has a rhizome that develops just below the substrate surface and can partly also be seen on the surface. The leaves sprout directly from the rhizome. The species does not have a milky sap, which is otherwise typical of many arum plants.


The most striking thing about the single leaf is probably its large, glossy green and metallic shimmering leaves. These are about up to 25 centimeters long and have long stems. They have an elliptical to elongated shape with a clearly pronounced, triangular central rib. Spathiphyllum also owes its name to its attractive foliage: the Greek word "spatha" denotes spoon-shaped tools such as a spatula or spade, a rudder blade or a sword, while the second part of the botanical name, also from the Greek phýllon, simply means “leaf”. In fact, the genus belongs to the botanical order of the frog-spoon-like (Alismatales).

However, the large leaves can do more than just look beautiful: the single leaf is considered to be more excellent Room air purifier and filters potentially toxic components such as formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia and others out. For this reason, it is recommended that Spathiphyllum be placed in bedrooms.

Blossoms and flowering period

As a rule, between March and September, the single leaf forms long-stalked, yellowish flower cobs, which are enclosed by a white to greenish colored bract. In winter, however, as a rule, no new flowers develop. Some types and varieties also give off a slight scent of vanilla. The flowers persist for several weeks, but change their color from bright white to greenish over time.

Spathiphyllum does not bloom, what to do?

If the single leaf does not want to bloom, there are various possible causes. Often there is a too dark location and / or an incorrect casting or Fertilizing behavior behind it. Although the species also thrives very well in the shade, it needs light to develop flowers - even if it does not have direct sunlight. You should also use the high-consuming plant regularly fertilize and do not pour cold water straight from the tap.

If the best care does not help - which can often be the case with older specimens - the following will help Measure: Place the single leaf in a cool place for a few months over the winter months, for example in an unheated area respectively. poorly heated bedrooms, stop fertilizing and water very little. After at least eight weeks have passed, water the plant thoroughly and fertilize vigorously with a good one Flowering plant fertilizer.(€ 10.86 at Amazon *) Then it should sprout numerous new flowers.


As a rule, Spathiphyllum does not produce fruits in indoor cultivation due to the lack of pollination. After flowering, green berries that contain up to eight tiny seeds develop in their natural habitat.


The leaf is toxic to both humans and animals and should therefore be used in households with young children and / or Pets (especially cats, dogs, small rodents and birds) are not placed or only placed out of their reach will. A possible poisoning with Spathiphyllum expresses itself u. a. from increased salivation to swallowing difficulties through to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Furthermore, Spathiphyllum is considered to be allergenic, with the flowers and pollen in particular having a corresponding potential.

Which location is suitable?

As in its natural location in the tropical rainforest, the single leaf thrives best in a bright, partially shaded place without direct sunlight, with high humidity and temperatures between 18 and 25 ° C. Shadier places, for example at a north window, are also well suited. However, the plant forms many dark green leaves here, but hardly any flowers. In locations that are too sunny, on the other hand, there is a risk of sunburn, which is primarily manifested by damage to the leaf edge. Spathiphyllum is particularly sensitive to the sun during the flowering period. The plants feel most comfortable in a bright bathroom due to the permanently higher humidity.

However, it must not be cooler than around 15 ° C, even in winter.
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Use high-quality, normal ones as a substrate Potting soil - if possible based on compost and without cheap peat - and mix this for better permeability Expanded clay(€ 16.35 at Amazon *) respectively. Clay granules under. Alternatively, you can use the potting soil as a Compost soilMix yourself, leaf earth and sand - each in equal parts. Make sure that the basic materials are free from pathogens such as fungi and do not contain any germinable weed seeds. For this reason, disinfect the mixed substrate in the oven or in the microwave.

Planting and repotting

The single leaf does not need a large plant pot, but should be repotted in a larger container every year because of its rapid growth. However, since a certain height, which varies depending on the species and variety, is the end of it, the last plant pot should not be larger than about 20 centimeters in diameter. When the plant is fully grown, you only need to replace the used substrate with fresh one every two to three years. But whether when planting or repotting, good drainage in the planter is important in any case. This definitely needs a drain through which excess irrigation water can flow off unhindered. Cover the drain hole on the bottom of the pot with larger potsherds etc. to prevent silting up and thus clogging.


You create perfect conditions for the single sheet when you put it in Hydroponics keep. The plant is very suitable for this type of houseplant culture, especially since you don't have to worry about regular watering and fertilizing. Prefer special pots with a water level indicator and only use fertilizers suitable for hydroponics. These have to be composed and prepared differently than conventional fertilizers for plants kept in soil.
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Pour single leaf

As a typical rainforest plant, the single leaf needs a lot of moisture, but it should never be left permanently wet. Waterlogging inevitably leads to root rot and thus to the death of the houseplant. Although "wet feet" do not hurt for a short time, you should always remove excess irrigation water from the planter or saucer as soon as possible. Keep the single leaf evenly moist, always watering again when the substrate surface is already slightly dry. In the winter months, Spathiphyllum usually needs less water, as long as it is a little cooler and not necessarily directly on or above a heater.

Also, especially during the winter months, you should pay attention to high humidity and regularly spray the single leaf all around with an atomizer. The plant also likes an occasional hand-warm shower.
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Fertilize one leaf properly

Since Spathiphyllum, like almost all rainforest plants, is one of the heavy consumers, you should provide them with a high-quality fertilizer for flowering plants between March and October. According to the instructions on the packaging, fertilization is carried out approximately every two to four weeks. Small specimens need to be fertilized less often than larger ones, as these naturally have less nutritional requirements. Make sure that the fertilizer contains little nitrogen, but instead is composed of phosphorus. This promotes the development of flowers, while nitrogen primarily drives shoot and leaf growth. Always fertilize on moist substrate and watch out for signs of possible over-fertilization.

Incidentally, the single leaf can also be fertilized very well with simple coffee grounds, although this is not sufficient as a permanent sole fertilizer.
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Cut single sheet correctly

Regular pruning is neither necessary nor advisable for the single leaf. You can only cut off withered and faded shoots directly above the substrate.
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Propagate single leaf

You do not need to cut back a single leaf that has become too large in order to reduce the size of the plant. Instead, you can easily split such a copy and get one or even several offshoots at the same time. And that is how it works:

  • Repot the single leaf, remove the soil from the roots
  • Select separation points
  • preferably cut off runners
  • every single part of the root should have at least one shoot
  • Separate the rhizome at the designated places with the help of a sharp knife
  • Plant the individual plants in their own pots

While dividing works quite reliably, cuttings are practically impossible with a single leaf. However, you can still use seeds - some of which are commercially available - to grow new plants. However, it is difficult for the layperson to get Spathiphyllum to germinate and then to grow - this project requires a lot of patience and good botanical knowledge.
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Diseases and pests

The single leaf is very robust and rarely gets sick. Signs of illness such as leaves that are discolored brown or yellow are mostly due to incorrect care and should be treated accordingly. When it comes to pests, there are occasional woolly lice or aphids, as well as if they are kept too dry Spider mites ("Red Spider") to be found on Spathiphyllum. You can easily remove these animals with an occasional warm shower or shower. tackle the frequent use of an atomizer.

Yellow leaves

Yellow leaves on the single leaf can have various causes:

  • Pest infestation
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Waterlogging

In particular, if the leaves are not only turning yellow but are still hanging, you are most likely keeping the plant far too wet and its roots have already started to rot. Immediately pot the affected leaf, cut away the diseased parts of the plant (including the rotten roots) and put it in a new planter and in fresh substrate. In future, water the plant less and only after a finger test.

If, on the other hand, the yellow leaves appear for no discernible reason, those with bare leaves are often stuck eye undetectable spider mites behind it. Since these pests like dry and warm weather, they can be easily driven away by increasing the humidity.

Brown leaves and leaf spots

Also with brown discolouring leaves or The single leaf usually reacts to leaf spots to care errors:

  • brown leaf tips: a clear indication of excessively dry air, increase humidity
  • brown, drying leaves: overwatering (waterlogging) or lack of water, repot or water the single leaf in fresh substrate
  • brown leaf spots or spots: over-fertilization, repot the single leaf in fresh substrate
  • dark brown, ring-shaped leaf spots: Leaf spot disease, cut off infected leaves

Green flowers

Some variants of the single leaf naturally develop green-white or green bracts, so this is completely normal and you don't have to worry. If, on the other hand, the bracts of your variety are actually bright white instead of green, the plant is most likely too dark. In this case, moving to a lighter place helps, although you should of course avoid direct sunlight. Incidentally, the white flowers, which can be kept for weeks, turn greenish on their own after some time as they wither; this phenomenon is also completely normal and no reason for countermeasures.


As a rule, the single leaf stays healthier and thrives better if you keep the substrate relatively dry and spray the large leaves with water more frequently. In this way, not only do the ugly-looking brown leaf tips that occur frequently, but also the warmth and moisture-loving spider mites have no chance.

Species and varieties

The most commonly cultivated types of mono-leaf are:

  • Spathiphyllum floribundum: pearly white bract, yellow flower bulb, leaves up to 20 centimeters long
  • Spathiphyllum patinii: similar to S. floribundum, but with narrower and longer leaves
  • Spathiphyllum wallisii: green-white bract, short flower head, very tall species

In addition to the species mentioned, there are some interesting hybrid forms in culture:

  • 'Gemini': variegated foliage
  • 'Chopin': compact stature
  • 'Sweet Paco': delicate vanilla scent
  • 'Pearl Cupid': dark green, lanceolate leaves

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