Growing peppers yourself »This is how you can grow them

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Seed extraction

To get seeds for a pepperoni, you have two options to choose from:

  • Purchase on the Internet or from specialist retailers
  • Removed from ripe pods

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Purchase on the Internet or from specialist retailers

You can get pepperoni seeds all year round. We recommend ordering online, as the selection of different varieties is the largest here.

Removed from ripe pods

If you already have a pepper or buy a fresh pod from the supermarket, you can take its seeds from it and put it in the ground. It is important to choose a ripe, red fruit, as the seeds of green hot peppers usually do not germinate well. How to proceed with the extraction:

  • Cut the peppers lengthways
  • remove the seeds with your fingers
  • Spread the seeds out on a paper towel
  • dry in a warm place
  • wrap the seeds in the paper to remove the last of the moisture
  • Pour into a container, keep tightly closed in a dark place

Sow hot peppers

The seeds obtained in this way can now be placed in the soil for germination. Use spring pots for this, which you put in a bowl. Two to three dried seeds per pot are sufficient. To ensure the water supply is ensured, fill the bowl centimeter high with liquid. The first shoots will soon form.

Further care

to water

Also in the further course, make sure to keep the substrate moist at all times. To avoid waterlogging, install drainage. In addition, the water should always be supplied from below. Never pour directly onto the leaf surface.


Your home-grown hot peppers will need a lot of light to develop. A sunny spot on the windowsill is ideal. The temperatures must not fall below 10 ° C, as the paprika vegetables are very sensitive to the cold. That is why you can only put your peppers outdoors after the frost has subsided - around mid-May.

Bucket keeping

If you want to continue to grow your peppers in the bucket, there are even some advantages:

  • better location selection
  • easier wintering thanks to mobility