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Cleaning and maintaining garden tools - this is how it works

If residues of soil, stones or plant sap stick to garden tools for a long time, rust builds up or the mechanics no longer work smoothly. You can effectively prevent these annoyances if you clean and care for your garden tools after the work is done:

  • Remove soil from hand tools with a brush and water
  • Carefully dry with a rag and hanging
  • Remove rust spots with a wire brush, steel wool or sandpaper
  • Remove stubborn resin residues with petroleum ether

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  • Sharpen garden tools with just one tool - this is how it works
  • Sharpening garden tools - this is how it works by hand
  • Hanging up garden tools - tips for clever tool holders

Before the winter break, spade blades, knife and scissor blades are also sharpened. Secateurs,(€ 12.96 at Amazon *) like branch or Rose shears can be easily disassembled in order to thoroughly clean all components and sharpen the blades with a hand file. Then seal the metal surfaces with machine oil or wax. Rub the handles and handles made of wood with linseed oil.

Clean Garden Machines Work Better - Care Tips

Water is taboo for the maintenance of machine-operated garden tools. mowing machine, Hedge trimmer(€ 77.00 at Amazon *) or Grass trimmer Please clean with a brush and cloth after each use. Disconnect electrical devices from the power supply beforehand. Pull out the spark plug connector on the motorized lawnmower.

Check the screws, cables and protective covers for tight fit with every maintenance. Loose parts are immediately reattached. Knives and blades are sharpened at least once a year. You can carry out this maintenance work yourself with special whetstones, a hand file or grinding machine. Again, machine oil should be on hand to lubricate moving components after cleaning and grinding.

Store garden tools properly

Your efforts to have a perfectly well-kept machine and tool inventory will come to nothing if you store the devices in a damp environment. Moisture is poison for wood and metal. Therefore, choose a dry, airy storage location, such as a Garden shed(€ 39.99 at Amazon *) or the boiler room.


You can store lawnmowers and other garden tools with internal combustion engines in the winter ideally without fuel in the tank. Suck the fuel before putting it away or let the engine idle until it stops.

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