By division or seed

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Propagate with seeds

Lovage can be propagated with its ripe seeds. Either you buy the seeds or you take an existing lovage plant and wait until it has developed its fruits and seeds after flowering in midsummer.

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As a rule, the seeds ripen in September. This is how it works sowing (possible outdoors from April to August):

  • Cover seeds in threefold seed strength with humus-rich soil
  • Place the seed container in a warm place (ideally above 20 ° C)
  • keep soil moistured
  • Germination time: 15 to 20 days

When the grown plants have reached a size of around 15 cm, they can be carefree planted out will. Of the Location should be sunny to partially shaded. In addition, a deep and nutrient-rich soil is important.

Increase by division

While the sowing If patience is required, the method of propagation succeeds via that Divide the plant more quickly. In addition, this method is simpler and less time consuming. It also has a great side effect: The Maggi herb grows stronger to make up for the lost part. But be careful: healthy plants should be used for sharing.

The ideal time is in the spring before budding or in late autumn before the start of the first frost period:

  • Dig up lovage (attention: roots are fleshy and deeply anchored in the ground)
  • a clean and possibly disinfected spade take it to hand
  • with the spade the plant resp. share their roots
  • plant the obtained plant
  • A compost is recommended when planting
  • water well

Tips & Tricks

Caution: Every part that should later become a magnificent plant needs a healthy shoot tip. Otherwise it cannot grow and all efforts were in vain.