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Select the correct variety and pack size

Most of the subspecies of this plant, also known as the "bee friend", bloom light blue to violet-bluish. There are differences in the height of growth, which is slightly lower in the Phacelia purshii variety than in the widespread Phacelia tanacetifolia variety. In terms of location and substrate, there is usually not much that can be done wrong as long as the plants get enough sunlight. The bee friend is considered to be a soil improver and not without reason Green manureso that even hard and stony soils can serve as a cultivation area. For an area of ​​around 50 square meters, 200 grams of Phacelia seeds are generally sufficient. However, packs with a content of up to 1 kilogram are also offered for private gardeners, as the seeds Remain germinable for a relatively long time and so reseeding can be carried out flexibly in areas that have already faded can.

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  • Prefer Canna - Answers to Important Questions
  • The germination period of the Phacelia
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The phacelia in the beekeeper's garden

Phacelia is popular among beekeepers not only because each of its individual flowers during the flowering period can produce an amazing amount of flower nectar for bees. After Sowing the seeds Depending on the location and season, it only takes about 5 to 7 weeks for the first flowers to open. Months like August and September can also be interesting for the bees when only a few Plants bloom, equipped with additional food for the hard-working nectar collectors will. In addition, the annual Phacelia can be successful by self-sowing the seeds be settled permanently in the garden, if the plant is not harassed by high-growth weeds will.

Sow the seeds easily

The seeds of the Phacelia are very fine, so the sowing and dosing by hand can sometimes be a bit difficult. For a better distribution of the seeds it can therefore be useful to mix the seeds with plenty of fine sand.


Since the Phacelia is one of the dark germs, the seeds should be lightly raked into the soil after application and watered immediately.

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