This is how the pruning succeeds

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The right time to cut a columnar apricot

Many fruit trees, such as apple trees, tolerate pruning of larger dimensions particularly well in the winter months when the sap is dormant. This looks a little different with columnar apricots, which in Central Europe generally have a mild and good climate Site conditions are instructed. In the case of a columnar apricot, prunings in winter or too massive can sometimes cause the tree to perish as a whole or at least entire branches to die off. However, the column apricot can be cut relatively easily during the growing season and several times a year. If possible, this should not happen during periods of pronounced heat and drought. Basically, a columnar apricot should be subtly shortened about 2 to 3 times a year rather than once brutally cut back.

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Shorten the leading shoot

Column apricots are used in the height not only cut when they have reached their maximum height. Cutting off the tip of the top stalk is important to stimulate lateral growth and branching of the plant at an early stage of growth. This is why the lead shoot is shortened by about a third of its length every year. Last but not least, this can also represent an important impetus for the formation of many flowers.

Cut back the side branches of the apricot

Today's Apricot varieties are sometimes bred for yields under which the branches of the fruit tree can collapse without support before the fruit is fully ripe. That is why the branches of a columnar apricot are shortened to a length of about 2 to 3 pairs of eyes (leaf axils) not only for visual reasons, but also for very practical reasons. With strong growth, such a pruning can be done between spring and autumn up to 3 times a year.


When pruning fruit trees, the gardener always needs a certain amount of judgment. The individual branches should always be cut in such a way that the crown structure is as airy as possible and the branches do not grow into one another.