Caring for the Australian Chestnut »Watering, cutting and more

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The ideal location for the Australian chestnut

The Australian chestnut likes it warm and light. A sunny to partially shaded place near the window is therefore ideal. Even so, the plant is unlikely to flower in your living room. However, this in no way detracts from their attractiveness.

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  • Is the Australian chestnut suitable as a houseplant?
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The Australian chestnut should slowly get used to direct sunlight, but then it can spend the summer in the garden or on your balcony. Take the plant back indoors in the fall before it has to suffer from cool nights.

Plant and repot

The Australian chestnut thrives best in humus-rich, well-drained soil. You can also use a 1: 1 mix Cactus soil and more conventional Potting soil use. In the first few years of life there is a Repot Recommended for the plant in spring, only rarely later.

Water and fertilize

When it is warm, your Australian chestnut needs a relatively large amount of water. Never let your floor dry out completely, but a slight drying of the surface will not do any harm. The Australian chestnut does not tolerate waterlogging either. So water regularly, but in such a way that excess water does not remain in the pot.

Fertilize Take the plant about once or twice a month while it is growing.

The Australian chestnut hibernates

You don't necessarily have to bring the Australian chestnut to a (cool) winter quarters, it survives the winter very well at normal room temperature. Under no circumstances should this very frost-sensitive plant overwinter below 12 ° C. It only survives temperatures around freezing for a few days.

The care of the Australian chestnut in a nutshell:

  • Location: warm, sunny or partial shade
  • like to put it outside in summer
  • slowly get used to direct sun
  • Water regularly, let it dry slightly in between
  • Avoid waterlogging and prolonged drought
  • fertilize regularly from spring to autumn
  • overwinter: at 15 ° C or room temperature


By choosing a small planter, you are limiting the growth of the Australian chestnut.

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