How to grow the crops yourself

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Why grow millet yourself?

  • Not everyone has millet in the garden
  • the grain is quite undemanding
  • Millet is culinary versatile and healthy
  • Millet can also be used as pet food

Pull millet from seeds

To plant millet, you don't even have to buy a preferred crop from the nursery. Here's how to get the seeds and how to get them sowing proceed. If you already have a millet plant, remove the ripe seeds from the panicles. It is best to collect this in a container. Then you have to remove coarse parts of the plant when you "blow it out". Alternatively, you can purchase millet seeds from specialist retailers.

also read

  • Harvest millet
  • Germinate millet
  • How To Combat Millet In The Lawn With Success


It is important to note that millet needs a location in full sun in order to develop well. Do not underestimate the strong root formation.


  1. clear the bed of roots from other plants and weeds
  2. sow the seeds at a distance of 30 to 40 cm
  3. let the bed rest for about two weeks
  4. now the first tender shoots should already appear
  5. water the young plants
  6. loosen the soil regularly
  7. remove the regrowing weeds
  8. if the shoots are around 10 cm high, selection begins: remove the weak ones Plants so that you get main rows in which the plants are 7 to 10 cm apart have to each other
  9. keep in mind that the roots need a lot of space. So don't be too frugal with the removal
  10. You can also remove regrowing plants
  11. after about five months (mid-autumn) you can bring in the first harvest
  12. very important: home-grown millet does not need any fertilizer

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