Planting bush tomatoes »The most important tips at a glance

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When is the earliest planting date for bush tomatoes?

Once the ice saints have passed, the planting time for bush tomatoes begins. Before mid-May, the warmth-loving Vegetables not outdoors, because a single frosty night destroys all hopes for a rich harvest.

also read

  • The best care for bush tomatoes
  • Don't skimp on bush tomatoes - the exception to the rule
  • The most popular bush tomato varieties for beds and balconies

What requirements should the location meet?

In terms of their preference for warm sunshine, do Bush tomatoes no exception among the Varieties of tomatoes. The higher the Temperaturesthe sunnier the chosen location in the bed and on the balcony should be.

What should the soil and pail be like?

Bush tomatoes limit their height growth from the fourth or fifth flower cluster. The plants compensate for this by branching out richly. The nutritional requirement is thus at the level of a heavy eater. Accordingly, offer bush tomatoes these soil qualities:

  • nutritious, fluffy Earth, richly populated by soil organisms
  • fresh, moist and a little chalky
  • nevertheless well-drained and without the risk of waterlogging

In the planter, bush tomatoes prefer commercially available vegetable or Potting soil, enriched with compost and Horn shavings.(€ 32.93 at Amazon *)

What do you have to pay attention to when planting?

With the right one Location and an adequate substrate, two central premises for the successful planting of bush tomatoes are fulfilled. Now the following steps are important:

  • Weed the bedding soil, loosen it thoroughly and top it up with compost
  • Create a drainage made of pebbles in the planter above the opening in the floor
  • Insert young plants so deep that the soil forms a turtleneck around the cotyledons
  • while the root ball is still visible, one Climbing aid sit next to it
  • Tie up the first shoots, then spread the rest of the soil and press it down
  • a Plant spacing consider from 60-80 centimeters to the next pit

to water Finally, measure them generously without wetting the above-ground parts of the plant. Ideally, you should also spread a layer of mulch that releases nutrients and reduces splashing water.

Tips & Tricks

Since bush tomatoes dry out more slowly due to their dense growth, experienced hobby gardeners prefer a place in the main wind direction when choosing a location. In Central Europe the wind blows mainly from the west. This side of the garden is therefore shortlisted, provided that it is sunny enough there.