In the profile (Acer palmatum)

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The Japanese maple - the most important information at a glance

  • Botanical name: Acer palmatum
  • Genus: Maples (Acer)
  • Family: Soap Tree Family (Sapindaceae)
  • Origin and distribution: Japan, China, Korea
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded
  • Soil: fresh humus or Sandy soil, slightly acidic to neutral
  • Habit: broad bush or small tree
  • Height: up to 15 meters in his home country, significantly smaller here
  • Flowering and flowering period: red flower clusters between May and June
  • Fruit: winged nuts arranged in pairs
  • Foliage: green or red depending on the variety
  • Autumn color: intense red to orange-red (depending on the sunlight)
  • Propagation: cuttings
  • Winter hardiness: hardy
  • Toxicity: no
  • Use: Ornamental plant in the garden or in a container
  • Similar species: Japanese maple (Acer japonicum), golden maple (Acer shirasawanum)

Filigree Japanese maple fits in (almost) every garden

The Japanese maple has pretty, up to 20 centimeters long, deeply slit or lobed leaves that - depending on the variety - are either green or red. Red Japanese maple, the 'Atropurpureum' variety is particularly popular, inspires in summer with picturesque bronze-purple-red leaves, the color of which turns into a deep red in autumn. Among the green varieties, on the other hand, 'Ozakazuki' is particularly popular. The slowly growing trees reach heights of up to three or four meters, although various dwarf varieties are also available in stores. The latter are particularly suitable

wonderful for a bucket culture. Depending on the amount of sunlight, the deciduous (or red) leaves turn bright orange to deep red in autumn.

also read

  • Cut Japanese maple properly
  • When is the right time to plant Japanese maple?
  • Planting Japanese maple - location, planting, propagation

Japanese maple for every taste

The Japanese maple is sometimes also available from gardeners under the name 'Schlitzahorn', although it is also Acer palmatum. However, there are other Japanese maples that are very similar to the Japanese maple. These include the Japanese maple (Acer japonicum), which is native to the Hokkaidos and Honshus mountains, and the very rare golden maple (Acer shirasawanum). These three types are often summarized in this country under the generic term "Japanese maple".


The Japanese maple traditionally heralds autumn in Japan, and it is also very often used in the old one Art of bonsai.