Peach Curl Sickness »How To Combat It

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Curl disease leads to leaf loss

The pathogen fungus usually nests in the leaf and flower buds of peaches, nectarines, apricots and almond trees during the wet winter months. When it shoots, the leaves curl - at this stage they are easy with one Aphid infestation confused - and eventually develop yellow-green to reddish discoloration and blisters. As the disease progresses, the peach tree sheds the diseased leaves and thus weakens because sufficient photosynthesis is no longer possible. In some cases, branches are also affected, which then die off and have to be cut out. In contrast, fruits are rarely attacked.

also read

  • Harrow Beauty peach resistant to curl disease
  • Mirabelle tree - curl disease or something else?
  • The ripple sickness in the nectarine tree

Frizziness has serious consequences in the following year

the Consequences of this fungal infection are, however, much more serious in the following year: Newly grown shoots appear compressed, leaves hardly develop and if they do, then only crippled. Flowers and fruits are also rarely set and if they do, they fall off again after a short time. The causative fungus Taphrina deformans, genetically linked to the causative agent of the fool's or pocket disease Related to plums, winters as a mycelium on the branches, twigs and buds of the Peach trees. As soon as it gets warmer (around 10 ° C), the mycelium breaks down into tiny cells, which are washed into the buds by rain and infect them. In the further course, the new shoots are finally attacked.

Prevention through correct location

One of the most important preventive measures is that Choosing the right location. Peaches are sun worshipers, so they need a sunny and sheltered place in the garden. Since the fungus is mainly spread by penetrating rainwater, the peach tree should, if possible, be in a rain-protected place - e. B. under a canopy - stand. However, it should be noted that this must not cast a shadow. Besides, the crown is by regular pruning to keep as light as possible so that the leaves dry off faster after a downpour. Regular, but moderate fertilization strengthens the resistance of the peach tree.

Spray preventively in spring

The curl disease can only be treated as long as the buds have not yet broken - ergo measures after flowering or after flowering. the appearance of the first symptoms simply ineffective. Instead, preventive treatment should take place from mid-January to the end of January, but no later than February (depending on the weather). To do this, proceed as follows:

  • Remove so-called fruit mummies as well as infected leaves and shoot tips
  • Inject the entire Treetop with fungicides
  • repeat this at least three times at a distance of approx. 10 days
  • recommended means are Compo Duaxo Universal mushroom-free and Neudo Vital fruit sprays

Prevention through resistant peach varieties

Since prevention is better than cure, you should If possible, plant peach varietieswhich by nature have a higher resistance to frizziness. In principle, all white-fleshed varieties are less susceptible to disease, as they were mostly bred for cultivation in our latitudes. Suitable varieties are u. a.

  • Benedicte
  • Amsden
  • Revita
  • Red vineyard peach
  • Saturn
  • Alexandra Zainara

Tips & Tricks

Proper watering prevents diseases, do not spray leaves with water, just water the soil.