When and with what?

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Golden rules

  • not much, but fertilize regularly
  • Spring / Summer: every 1 to 2 weeks
  • Autumn / Winter: monthly

Clever hints

Liquid fertilizer is best. This can be used according to the package insert. In contrast to grains, the liquid form leads to visible success more quickly. The plant grows faster and more splendidly.

also read

  • Hibernate the banana tree: It's that easy
  • Hardy banana? - Yeah, but not really!
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Experts recommend only organic fertilizers for the banana tree. Caution is advised against over-fertilization. Banana plants of all varieties resent this very much. They quickly drop their leaves and say goodbye.

Since, in contrast to palm trees, the banana needs a lot of fertilizer, hobby gardeners and professionals often use blue grain in liquid form. The first fertilization in March can be a little stronger. When the banana tree moves into the garden in spring, an extra portion of compost is great for it.

Produce blue grain liquid fertilizer yourself at low cost:

  • Prepare 5 liters of water with 2 to 3 grams of blue grain
  • let rest overnight (slow dissolution)
  • Stir very well before pouring
  • Thoroughly clean the watering can after use

Learn to understand the banana tree

As soon as the plant begins to grow significantly, fertilize it regularly every 1 to 2 weeks. The banana tree loves it when a few squirts of the liquid fertilizer gets onto the leaves. Shiny leaves follow as a wonderful result care.

As soon as the season draws to a close in September or October, experts swear by an additional dose of liquid Potassium fertilizer. This is added to the regular fertilizer every 3 to 4 weeks.

If the plants show symptoms of stress and deficiency symptoms, specialized fertilizers come into play.

Tips & Tricks

If you are a hobby gardener Banana fruits want to harvest, must be fertilized regularly in any case.