Mint has brown spots

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Main suspect: Mint rust - this is how the fight succeeds

Within the order of the mushroom mushrooms, a type of fungus has to attack Mint species specialized. They are rust fungi that can infect a plant throughout the growing season. The spores act as parasites so that they do not kill the tissue. Rather, brown spots form around the infection sites. The entire plant is therefore not threatened by the mint rust.

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At the latest with an infestation by rust fungi, you will be the rapid growth of your peppermint or any other variety. This is how easy it is to fight the disease:

  • the infected mint close to the ground cut back
  • just a sleeping one eye leave on the plant
  • from here it drives them back healthy
  • Do not dispose of the clippings on the compost, but burn them

Effective prevention

In order to make it more difficult for the fungal spores to infect a mint, the soil in the bed should be loosened repeatedly. In addition, regular weeding is an effective preventative measure. Avoid at everyone

to waterto wet the leaves. The pathogens are particularly attracted to damp leaves.

Leaf spot disease knows no mercy

For laypeople, the visual distinction between rust mint and the Leaf spot disease almost impossible. A closer study of the distinguishing features is unnecessary, because the control methods are the same. Regardless of where the brown spots on mint came from, radical pruning is considered the best course of action.

Tips & Tricks

The most effective prevention against any disease in mint is an annual crop rotation in the bed. At least every two years should be replanted or repotted will. No other species of mint or a mint may have been cultivated at the new location in the four years before.