When and how do you do it?

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Clean up what has faded

Yes in style of Flowering Kalanchoes form upright umbels with small flowers or gently drooping bells. Please don't make the mistake of cutting off the entire umbel just because the first flowers are fading. Better to do the following:

  • Carefully take individual flower heads between thumb and forefinger and snap them off.
  • Only when everything has bloomed and no more buds are formed, cut off the umbel about a centimeter above the last axilla.
  • Use a sharp knife and not scissors so that the thick, fleshy stems are not unnecessarily squeezed.

also read

  • Propagating a kalanchoe - this is how you need to proceed
  • A Kalanchoe as a bonsai - is that possible?
  • Which location does the Kalanchoe prefer?

This measure can extend the flowering period considerably.

Cut off leaves that have turned yellow

The marginal leaves of the Kalanchoe occasionally dry up and become unsightly. This is due to the natural aging process and not a cause for concern. Cut out these leaves regularly so that they do not become a breeding ground for pathogens.

Cutting back the Kalanchoe

A pruning is only necessary if the lower area of ​​the plants is balding. In this case, it is used for rejuvenation, because the plant then drives strongly and densely.

Proceed as follows:

  • Cut only after flowering of flowering Kalanchoe species.
  • Shorten the stems so that there is still a eye (thickened point) on the stem. Here the plant grows fresh green.
  • Alternatively, you can cut off branched stems over a leaf axis.
  • The same applies here: Use clean and very sharp cutting tools.

Do not throw away pruning

Now you have a lot of leaves that you are excellent for the increase can use by leaf or shoot cuttings. These take root very easily, so that even inexperienced plant lovers can breed them without any problems.


Despite cutting back the Kalanchoe does not bloom, but just forms a lot of green? Presumably during winter the plant is in a room where the light is on in the evening. The short-day plant should not be exposed to light for more than seven to nine hours from November to February, because only then will it flower reliably.