The best time to cut the shape

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The flow of juice determines the choice of date - tips for the right time

in the Characteristics it can be read that the spherical maple is a breeding variant of the norway maple. Characteristic for the variety and the pure type is an intense flow of sap during the growing season. If a cut is made at the wrong time, a globosum will literally bleed out. Cut You should therefore shape a spherical maple in autumn by the end of January at the latest.

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Cutting guide for the perfect shape cut - How to do it right

If a spherical crown widens over the years, it looks more like a pancake. This growth can be an advantage for shadows in the cozy seating area. Under the influence of lateral shading, the crown stretches towards the sky and assumes a pyramidal silhouette. If you don't like the shape, come Loppers and hand saw used. How to proceed correctly step by step:

  • In the first step, thin out the entire crown
  • Cut out dead wood, meager, diseased shoots directed towards the interior of the crown
  • If the crown is too wide and flat, cut back the side branches by a third
  • If the crown is too slender and narrow, trim the height by a third

Please use scissors or a saw in a targeted manner so that a leaf knot or dormant one is a few millimeters below the cut surface eye is located. With this technique you promote vital budding and bushy, compact growth. An exception applies to dead wood and other shoots that are completely removed. The right cut leaves neither long stumps nor injuries on the Astring. The bead between the branch and trunk, from which the cut wound later heals, is called an astring.


If you have a ball maple plants, can the Secateurs stay in the shed. Bred to enhance the head of a Norway maple (Acer platanoides), the Globosum variety finds its way into your garden perfectly without the need for pruning.