Plant trees in frost

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Why you can plant trees in winter

In winter, trees and other plants are in the phase of Dormancy: There is no photosynthesis - i.e. the conversion of sunlight into sugar - and the tree has reduced its life systems to the bare minimum. At this point you can put tall and old trees in or out by yourself transplant, because now you do not disturb them either with nutrition or with growth. A tree that is transplanted in summer often has great problems growing again at the new location due to the subsequently reduced root mass. After all, it has to rebuild the roots as well as its above-ground components at the same time nourish - which is due to the lush foliage in deciduous trees of high evaporation are exposed. It is best to plant on a winter's day when the sky is overcast, with slight temperatures below zero not being a problem.

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  • You can also plant these trees in waterlogged soils
  • Effectively protect trees from frost
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Only plant hardy tree species when there is frost!

However, there is one serious limitation when planting trees in winter: you are only allowed to winter and frost hardy species Put in the ground when the temperature is below zero. More sensitive plants or Species that are not yet sufficiently hardy as young trees, on the other hand, must not be planted when it is frosty.

No planting when the ground is frozen

Planting in frost is possible as long as the ground is not frozen and you can easily reach it with the hoe and the spade can edit. However, frost-free soil is not only important for practical reasons: for the growth of one The roots of the tree must be tightly enclosed by earth, no air pockets must remain. If the ground is frozen, however, the tree cannot take root properly because the solid clods of earth are not crumbly enough. As soon as the rhizome is in the ground, the trees usually cope well with the frosty temperatures. to water However, only use them immediately after planting - by the end of the year the soil is generally moist enough for the young trees to have sufficient supplies.


Trees cultivated in pots must be watered regularly, even in winter. Incidentally, this also applies to very dry and sunny winters, although watering is only possible as long as there is no ground frost.

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