With what and how is it done?

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Plant the lava stone step by step

A question that often arises when a lava stone is to be planted is whether soil is required. Unfortunately, this cannot be said across the board, as it is not necessary for some plants and makes sense for others. In general, larger plants need more soil than smaller ones. To get out of the way of the problem, just put some soil on the stone, because it does no harm under any circumstances.
Then do the following:

  • Soak your lava stone in water for about an hour so it can soak up.
  • Then put your plants on the stone. If possible, plant them in small hollows or bumps where they are less likely to slip and leave some soil at the roots.
  • Then tie your plants tight so they don't slide around until the roots have found support. After a couple of weeks, you can remove the tapes or strips.

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Which plants are suitable for the lava stone?

Planting with moss is particularly easy. It looks like a small grassy landscape on the rocky ground. It can be perfectly combined with low-growing grasses.

Another very popular variant for lava stone planting are succulents. They need little water and get by with little nutrients and without soil, so that they are predestined for the lava stone. If you have your lava stone outdoors, you should make sure that your plants are hardy. Hardy succulents are z. B. Houseleek, other stonecrop or starwort.

Maintain lava stone

As I said, the lava stone stores moisture. So if you have it in the garden or on the terrace, all you need to do is enjoy the stone that has been planted. The rain provides enough water. You should only help with a little water in the event of a longer drying phase. Young succulents or recently planted succulents should be covered in winter to prevent frost damage.
If the lava stone is in the house, you should water it from time to time.