Interesting facts about care, tips and tricks (Ritterstern)

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Professional care lures the flower out

In November, pot an amaryllis bulb deep enough into the soil that half of it is exposed. There should be no more than a thumb's width between the edge of the pot and the bulb. to water Only moderate the knight's star. The Hippeastrum is in good hands in a partially shaded location with temperatures between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius. Within 6 to 8 weeks, the first buds will emerge from the bulb.

also read

  • When should the amaryllis be cut after flowering?
  • This is an exemplary way to overwinter an amaryllis
  • What temperature favors the flowering of an amaryllis?

Tips for care during flowering

If your knight's star is in full bloom, it will only take a little time to complete. How to properly care for your winter beauty:

  • Water regularly in the sunny, not too warm window seat
  • The withered flowers in a timely manner cut offto prevent seed formation

The green leaves usually only sprout in the second half of the flowering period. This is the signal for the start of nutrient intake. From this point on, apply a liquid fertilizer for bulb flowers every 14 days.

Care program after flowering

The end of the flowering period marks the beginning of the growth phase for your knight star. You should therefore continue the maintenance program seamlessly. Cut off the flower stems and leaves when they are completely withered. Only from July do you gradually reduce the amount of irrigation water. In August, an amaryllis goes to rest, which it spends dry, cool and dark until the cycle starts all over again in November.