Make bed borders out of willow yourself

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The material:

  • Willow branches are very flexible despite their robustness. They can be processed easily.
  • The raw material simply grows back. Many nurseries and farm shops offer it inexpensively.
  • The optimal length is around 2.50 meters, the thickness around 2 centimeters.
  • They should be cut between the end of October and the beginning of March, since then they will not bear any leaves.

Tool list:

A bed border made of willow does not require more tools than hobby gardeners usually have in their basement:

  • Pegs (these can also be thicker willow branches)
  • Loppers
  • Tension cord
  • hammer

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With the Border you can border the beds directly from willow. Proceed as follows:

  • First stretch a batter board.
  • Hit along the Guideline(€ 7.13 at Amazon *) three to five stakes vertically in the ground. So that these do not split, if necessary put on a board.

The following applies: the closer the bars, the more stable the later mesh will be. But don't overdo it, otherwise the braiding will be very difficult.

  • When braiding, you always start and end on a post. Shorten the rods if necessary. with the Loppers a. Make sure that the thin and thick ends meet so that the overall appearance is even.
  • After a few rows, beat the wattle together with a laid board and a hammer so that it thickens.
  • If you use still living willow pegs, drive them out in spring and form a beautiful, natural border of the bed which visually can keep up with the popular border made of boxwood and other plants. This can be used to create interesting structures that fit harmoniously between the plants.


If you do not want to do the border delimitation yourself, you can get ready-made willow elements in stores. These are simply stuck in the ground, so that the workload is reduced to a minimum.