The seeds of the daylily

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When are the seeds ripe?

The seeds are ripe about 6 to 8 weeks after the flowers have wilted. Since daylilies vary from variety to variety bloom at different times, the time of ripening of the seeds is also different. The ripeness is noticeable through burst seed pods.

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It is best to remove the seeds on a dry day. If you want to dry them, leave them to dry in the air for a few days, for example near a heater. Then they can be packed in a seed bag. It is much more advisable to put the seeds in the refrigerator. The germination rate in spring is higher due to this stratification.

What do the seeds look like?

The seeds are easy to see. They are small (0.3 to 0.5 cm in diameter), black, shiny, and round to teardrop-shaped and triangular. Their surface is smooth and they look plump when fresh.

How do you sow the seeds?

the sowing is for Propagation of the daylilies not the most popular method. It is much more complex and difficult than dividing the plant. In addition, the results are not true to the variety. That is, if you have a daylily hybrid, daylilies with different characteristics than the mother plant will be created by sowing them.

This is how the sowing works:

  • Soak seeds in water for 1 to 3 days between late February and April
  • Change the water once a day
  • Seeds in Sowing soil sow (0.5 cm deep) and keep the soil moist
  • Germination time: 4 to 32 days
  • Continue to cultivate seedlings in a cooler location
  • possibly. prick out and fertilize weakly
  • Plant out after the ice saints in May

The young daylilies should be planted in a light and warm place. Sunny to partially shaded locations in a protected area of ​​the garden are ideal. If you don't have a garden, you can keep the daylilies in the pot on the balcony.

Tips & Tricks

Those who do not want seeds (daylilies often reproduce by self-sowing) should remove the withered flowers quickly cut off .

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