Fight the weeds successfully

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Winds multiply via root shoots and runners

These plants have an extremely remarkable reproduction mechanism. In addition to their seeds, they reproduce via their roots. On the one hand, they form runners with which they can reach wide. On the other hand, root shoots contribute to the spread. If you do not completely remove all parts of the roots when destroying these plants, you will likely find them again soon.

also read

  • The best strategies for fighting bindweed
  • Weeding in autumn: When weeds grow faster than allowed
  • The bindweed is one of the slightly poisonous plants

Morning glories draw nutrients from other plants

If the winds grow in the vegetable patch, Perennial bed or elsewhere, where you cultivate plants specifically, you can rob them of the nutrients in the soil. With the help of their numerous roots, they easily succeed in asserting themselves alongside other plants.

Curls wrap around other plants and weaken them

With their tendrils, these plants wrap around other objects and also plants in their environment. They are adamant and cheeky. When such a wind has spread in your bed, it can be difficult to remove its tendrils from the other plants.

Distinguish bindweed and bindweed from each other

Many gardeners confuse the bindweed with the bindweed and vice versa. Here are some of its features that you cannot miss:

  • Bindweed has pink to bluish funnel-shaped flowers
  • Bindweed has brilliant white funnel-shaped flowers
  • Bindweed has elongated, arrow-shaped leaves
  • Bindweed has rounded, rather heart-shaped leaves
  • Bindweed flowers are larger than bindweed flowers
  • Bindweed is found mainly in fields

How do you fight this weed?

Since the properties of bindweed and bindweed are similar in terms of reproduction and spread, the methods of control are similar. The most effective way of the winch is to dig it out and cover it with foil fight. This also applies to them Bindweed.


Winds are considered a weed. But they do not have to be fought rigorously. As a rule, the fight is utterly unsuccessful, because these plants somehow survive ...