Maintain the dragon tree as a houseplant

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The right location for the dragon tree in the room

Dragon trees generally like it light and warm, too sunny locations with heat build-up on the balcony or but directly behind a window pane the leaves of the dragon tree can literally burn and in the episode fall off permit. Optimal locations are about two to three feet from a window, being Subspecies with rather reddish leaves tolerate more sun than pure green-leaved species. The distance to the window fronts usually means that the dragon trees are not directly next to the heater. Since the dragon tree does not tolerate dry heating locations well, it is more advisable to group small green plant islands in the middle of the room.

also read

  • The dragon tree as an attractive houseplant: growth and care measures
  • The dragon tree as a houseplant: size and growth
  • Hibernate the dragon tree as gently as possible

Don't forget: repot and care for the dragon tree regularly

Plant beauties planted out in the garden bed can find the nutrients they need a little easier than potted plants or potted plants.

Plants in hydroponics. In the case of indoor plants, regular fertilization is sometimes forgotten. It will give you the dragon trees with a healthy one growth and maybe even once with one Thank blossomif you are outside of the Hibernation for a suitable fertilization care for. You should also cut a dragon tree every two to three years repot and that too Substrate in the pot renew.

This is how the dragon tree shows its best side

Indoor plants are always in the direct field of vision of their owners and should therefore look as flawless as possible without hanging leaves be able to show. With the following Maintenance measures make the dragon tree look even more beautiful:

  • regular control for a possible Pest infestation
  • the Shorten long, bare plants
  • by spraying the leaves with water that is low in lime
  • by carefully measured Water


The high humidity of subtropical natural areas is often difficult to imitate in a room. But you can do something good for your dragon trees if you regularly spray them on the leaves with lukewarm, low-lime water.

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