Driving away mice »This is how you get rid of the pests without toxins

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the essentials in brief

  • Mice in the garden invade the house, where they are dreaded food pests and Carriers of disease not be tolerated.
  • Animal lovers drive mice away with a combination of smell, manual methods and home remedies, instead of delivering the fur bearers to martial snap traps and agonizing poison death.
  • To drive away mice without poison and comprehensive preventive measures on the house, terrace, garage and Garden shed(€ 39.99 at Amazon *) are the best option against a plague.

Drive away mice - overview of where and how

The strategy you use to drive away mice forever depends on where the rodents have nested. Outside in the garden, on the balcony and terrace, you can counteract the rabble with harder bandages than inside. If the furry gang besieges your house in the wall, under the roof or in the false ceiling, the close proximity to the family requires a modified procedure. Some effective deterrents work equally well indoors and outdoors. The following table gives an overview:

also read

  • Use peppermint oil to drive mice out of the house
  • Fight water vole in the garden - this is how it works without poison
  • Are mice in compost harmful?
In the garden In the house
with a smell of turpentine with a peppermint smell
Avoid sources of food with vinegar
used cat litter Eliminate food sources
Thujajauche with castor oil used cat litter
Butyric acid Pepper, chilli powder

A variety of nesting sites for mice are gathered under the umbrella term garden. These include compost, piles of wood, birdhouses, tool sheds, garden sheds and leafy ground cover. No less varied are popular locations in the house, such as cellars, attics, roller shutter boxes, false ceilings or in the wall.

Chase away mice in the garden

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Mice are cute, but they don't like being seen in the garden

Mice in the garden are tough opponents and are active all year round. Affected home gardeners cannot play for time and hope that a cold winter will put an end to the hustle and bustle. When the temperatures drop in autumn, wild mice look for warm winter quarters and march into the house at night and in fog. Sometimes the rodents make themselves comfortable on the balcony or terrace in order to set off from there on nightly forays into the house. Chasing away mice in the garden is therefore closely linked to well thought-out preventive measures in the house and apartment. This is how it works:

Driving away mice - home remedies in the garden

The silver bullet against mice in the garden has yet to be invented. After all, generations of troubled home gardeners have accumulated a wealth of experience on how to drive away mice without poison and with effective home remedies. We have summarized tried and tested methods of scare-off for you below:

  • Soak cloths with turpentine and lay them out on walkways
  • Spread used cat litter at suspicious spots and renew it regularly
  • Spread the hair of people, dogs and cats in the bed
  • Make liquid manure from thuja twigs, add some castor oil and dump it on the streets
  • Frequently rearrange compost, do not cover it and irrigate regularly
  • Close rubbish bins as possible sources of food with lids
  • Place plants in the ground as potential sources of food in the vole basket

Small mounds in the garden indicate an infestation with Voles. These mice dig tunnels to nibble at the roots of flowers, perennials, shrubs, and fruit trees. Since the pests are on the move underground, affected hobby gardeners can use one of the most hideous smells as a repellent. Butyric acid stinks a lot to sensitive vole noses. However, the nauseating smell requires special safety precautions during use, which must be taken into account in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Furthermore, butyric acid should not be used extensively and above ground in order to avoid trouble with the neighbors.

Preventive measures

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The best preventive measure against mice are cats

If you drive away mice in the garden, you can never be sure that the gang will flee towards the terrace, garden shed, garage and apartment. Voles usually avoid residential buildings. Field mice and feral house mice, on the other hand, have no qualms about making themselves unpopular as intruders. Before using the recommended home remedies in the garden, please subject the outside area of ​​adjacent buildings to a detailed examination. Mice are gifted climbers, can swim and squeeze through tiny crevices.

Carefully seal off all potential entry points. These include cracks in the masonry, open basement windows, cable ducts, door gaps, open supply pipes and a poorly insulated, leaky attic.

The trend is towards peaceful coexistence with mice in the garden. Especially in the near-natural garden with a balanced ecosystem, pests and beneficial insects are in balance. Wherever pesticides and artificial fertilizers are consistently avoided, there are weasels, marten, Fox and polecat, which mice like to eat. Deciduous hedges with native shrubs, stone piles, dry stone walls, hollow tree trunks and piled up leaves invite the natural predators of mice to linger. Raptor rods attract hawks, buzzards and falcons to hunt mice in the garden.

Drive mice around the house

The offspring is booming in the realm of mice. Just two mice in the house are enough as a potential source of a real nuisance. This is not an exaggerated horror scenario, but an important reason for immediate deterrent measures at the first signs of mice in the house. The following lines explain how to recognize the presence of mice and act correctly:

Detect mice in the house

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Mouse droppings are small and elongated

As a rule, house residents are confronted with the question in late autumn and winter: How can you drive away mice? The shy rodents only look for a way into the apartment when it gets too cold for them outside and the food supply runs dry. You can tell whether mice have nested in you from the following indications:

  • Mouse droppings: spindle-shaped, 3-8 mm long, dark brown,
  • Sounds: at night in the wall, in the attic or in the false ceiling
  • Smear marks: greasy traces of body fat and dirt particles
  • Running tracks: prints of mouse feet in dusty places under the roof and basement
  • odor: strong urine odor in the house, in the attic and in the basement
  • Gnaw marks: Eating damage to furniture and carpets as parallel grooves 1-2 cm apart

If you find dead or living mice, it is high time you took countermeasures to prevent a plague. If mice run over your feet in broad daylight, you are at a loss when it comes to evictions. In this case, we recommend consulting a certified exterminator.

Eliminate food sources

Mice reproduce proportionally to the food available. If the menu in the house only occasionally offers a spider or a beetle, you will be spared from a nuisance. A well-laid table, on the other hand, encourages the rodents to multiply in an explosive manner. By deliberately eliminating all potential sources of food, the nutritional crisis will drive all mice out of the house by spring at the latest. How to do it right:

  • Store supplies in containers made of glass or metal (plastic is simply nibbled through)
  • Empty and clean your dog's or cat's food bowl after each meal
  • Use rubbish bins with a tightly closed lid
  • Do not leave food standing around, for example as a fruit basket or biscuit bowl
  • Remove all kinds of crumbs promptly

Mice are omnivores. Food eviction has the best chance of success if you consistently keep food, scraps of food, animal feed and kitchen waste out of the reach of rodents. By combining this procedure with other home remedies, you give the pests the rest. The following sections shed more light on which non-toxic agents these are.

Mice drive away with smell

Fine noses are vital for mice in search of food. To drive the unpopular pack out of the apartment, turn the tables and use the highly developed sensory organ against the dreaded subtenants. You can do this by attacking the sensitive sense of smell with the following scents:

  • peppermint oil
  • vinegar

Filled in small bowls or as an oil-soaked cloth, peppermint oil fulfills its role as a mouse repellent. Use vinegar as a cleaning agent or add a good sip of vinegar essence to any cleaning water to drive mice out of the home with that odor. Other odors have been shown to be ineffective against mice around the house. The odor of turpentine is not an option as a means of repelling in living spaces. At best, you can spoil the mice's stay with a cloth soaked in turpentine under the roof, in the basement or in the garage.

Driving away mice - home remedies for indoors

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Cat smell keeps mice away

Chasing away mice with smell is not a patent solution, but it can certainly increase the effectiveness of other home remedies. In order for the storage pests to actually pull the leash, complete the battle plan using these two methods:

  • Fill used cat litter in cotton bags and distribute around the house
  • Sprinkle pepper and chilli powder along the walkways

The procedures explained can be seamlessly transferred to mice in the garden house or garage.


Driving away mice - ultrasound in the test

Ultrasound devices come with resonant names, such as Mäuseschreck or Stop Mouse. At first glance, the functionality is convincing. Purposefully emitted ultrasonic waves are supposed to drive mice out of the apartment. As a spontaneous reaction, the tormentors actually run away. However, the joy of a mouse-free house only lasts for a short time. It doesn't take long for the clever rodents to find their way back under the roof, in the wall or in the false ceiling. Aside from their impressive adaptability to ultrasonic tribulations, the furious intelligence beasts quickly find out that the unpleasant noises cannot penetrate walls can.


Mothballs have failed as a deterrent against mice. The balls contain naphthalene in a dose that only clothes moths or Flour moths to flee. The strong-smelling agent is required in an amount to drive away mice, which has unpleasant to serious consequences for humans.

frequently asked Questions

Which plants drive away mice?

It sounds too good to be true. Simply plant certain plants and mice will be looking for space in the garden. Unfortunately, the thesis persistently haunted the net that plants could drive away mice. They say bulb flowers, milkweed or black people elder exerted stink bomb effects on mice. In practice, however, it has been found that the smell of plants does not have a deterrent effect on mice in the garden. After all, some plants are spared from feeding damage, such as imperial crowns, garlic or thyme.

How can you drive mice out of the compost without poison?

The good news is: mice do no immediate harm in compost. However, there is a risk that the rodents will multiply explosively, nibble on plant roots, or enter the house, garden shed or garage. You can scare away mice in compost without poison by making life hell for the furry lodgers. Remove the rain cover for a while. If you move the compost heap as often as possible, the annoyed mice will quickly run away.

Where can mice be found in the garden and in the house?

Mice are resourceful in their search for food and a nesting place. In the garden, rodents like to frolic in the compost, nest in dense ground cover, birdhouses and piles of firewood. Inventive mice find shelter in the garden shed or tool shed. Frequent occurrences are houses are to be complained about in the wall, in the false ceiling, under the roof and in the basement. Sometimes house mice create a nest in the roller shutter box.

Can you drive away mice with ultrasound?

An ultrasound device sends out sound waves to drive away mice. In the short term, this method has actually been successful because the frightened rodents run away. Of course, mice are tough and cannot be scared away from their territory so quickly. Sooner or later the furry refugees return because they have become used to the sound waves as masters of adaptation. If you fail in the meantime to lock all entry gates, the mouse terror will start all over again. Ultimately, ultrasonic devices against mice are just as useful as sweeping sand in the desert.


The cats does not stop to mice. This idiom suggests that cats are a good defense against mice around the house. However, the modern house cat has everything its little heart desires. Plenty of food, loving pats and great toys have brought the hunting instinct to a standstill. If anything, a house tiger catches a careless mouse every now and then. A certified exterminator is the best solution to bring a real mouse plague in the house under control.