Guzmania flower turns brown

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Colorful bracts

Brown is not a color that goes well with Guzmania. The tropical plant usually prefers a strong red, rarely also pink, pink, yellow or orange. She stains her bracts, which are arranged in rosette-shaped fashion, and which are regarded as blossoms for the beholder, so brightly. The flowers themselves are inconspicuous and have no decorative value.

also read

  • When the flowers of the bromeliad Guzmania dry up, the end is near!
  • Guzmania offshoots - a new plant is growing!
  • Guzmania care - no negligence will be tolerated

When the real flowers or the bracts turn brown, their time is drawing to a close. They will soon dry up. As bad as it is, this is part of the natural process in the life of this plant.

Remove brown bracts

When the Guzmania fades and the color of the bracts disappears, it is not a beautiful sight compared to the former splendor. However, the leaves that have turned brown are only removed when they are completely dry. The removal from the plant must be done carefully so as not to damage vital parts of the plant.

No second blooming period

After removing a faded flower, one waits hopefully for a new flower sprout. But the Guzmania behaves differently in this regard than we know it from many plants. She will not produce a second flower. Nor will it bloom at any later point in time.


If you want to propagate this houseplant from your own seeds, you will not succeed. The plants offered in this country are mostly hybrids. But there are seeds of "real" Guzmania to buy in stores.

The plant dies

As it fades, the Guzmania heralds its own end. It takes a while for her to dry up completely, but the end is already sealed in her genes.

It is essential to continue care

Even if the faded Guzmania will never bloom again, it should continue to be full care obtain. Most importantly, don't stop listening to the guzmania to water. She will soon Offshoot drive out and so their own Multiplication to back up.

Kindel for new flowers

As soon as the Kindel have reached half the height of the mother plant, they should be separated from her and planted. After about two years the new plants will bloom.

  • plant in special bromeliad soil
  • temporarily cover with foil (ventilate occasionally)
  • Keep 25 ° C warm, without direct sun
  • keep slightly moist and fertilize a little
  • After four months, care for like an adult plant

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