How poisonous is the beautiful deciduous tree?

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Poison to protect against predators

Acacia is not particularly toxic. However, we strongly advise against consumption. Animals who nevertheless dare to use the deciduous tree as a source of food learn the meaning of the saying “mistakes make you smart”. The acacia has developed a protective mechanism that protects it from predators. When an animal gnaws at a tree, it produces the fragrance ethene, which warns neighboring trees of the pest. These then react with the formation of toxic substances, so-called tannins, in the leaves. If the animal wanders on and feeds on the other trees, it becomes poisoned by the tannins.

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  • Plant an acacia tree
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The black locust is particularly poisonous

Much more poisonous than the acacia is a close relative, the black locust, also known as the sham acacia. Here all parts of the tree are extremely poisonous except for the blossom. The bark in particular is classified as highly toxic and can even lead to death in animals.

Who is at risk?

  • Children (the bark smells sweet and has a lovely taste, which results in a high risk of temptation)
  • Workers and gardeners working at the Saws the branches inhale the dust
  • Bovine
  • Horses
  • dogs
  • Cats
  • Birds
  • Small game such as hares and rabbits

The first symptoms are nausea and abdominal cramps. Later it comes to dizziness, fatigue, diarrhea, balance disorders, uncontrollable convulsions or blindness. A clear sign are dilated pupils.