Preserving lovage »Three methods with instructions

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Freeze lovage

One method that is less recommended, but unknowingly often used, is freezing lovage. Since lovage is extremely tender, freezing will make it mushy and tasteless.

also read

  • Freezing maggi herb - this is how you can keep lovage
  • Preserving mint - the best methods
  • Which is better: freeze or dry lovage?

If you still want to freeze the Maggi herb, roughly chop it up beforehand. Then put the herb in freezer bags or plastic cans. It is now ready to freeze. Alternatively, the lovage can be chopped up and placed in ice cube molds. You can add these to the soup later, in portions, among other things.

Dry the lovage

Probably the best and safest way to preserve the maggi herb is that dry. Ideally, the herb should be dried within two days. This is how it preserves its aroma.

That's how it's done:

  • Lovage and its stems to harvest
  • Tie the stems together and hang them in an air-dry and dark place
  • or: spread out on uncolored paper or sheet metal and allow to dry near the heater
  • or: dry in a dehydrator at 40 ° C

In addition to the stems and leaves, the roots can be dried well. They are cut into pieces beforehand. After drying, the plant parts are placed in a jar or other closable container.

Soak the lovage in oil or vinegar

Another method is soaking in oil or vinegar. The essential oils are absorbed by oil and vinegar. The aroma is perfectly preserved. For oil preservation:

  • Chop the lovage
  • Put in a sealable glass bottle together with salt
  • possibly. add other ingredients such as garlic
  • Pour oil on top (suitable oils e.g. E.g. rapeseed oil, olive oil, walnut oil) and seal

The process of preserving vinegar is similar. After the Maggi herb has been pickled in vinegar, it should be removed after two weeks. Then the vinegar has taken on the aroma. During this waiting time, ideally place the whole thing in a warm place.

Tips & Tricks

You should not grind or grind dried lovage. grind into powder. As a result, the herb oxidizes faster and is at the Use tastier in the kitchen.

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