Rubber tree infested by spider mites

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What can I do about spider mites

React as quickly as possible when you discover the web of spider mites on your rubber tree. On the one hand, it is important to save the rubber tree and, on the other hand, to prevent the pests from spreading to neighboring plants.

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If you spray your rubber tree with a powerful jet of water, you will remove a large part of the annoying animals. The water should be lukewarm and free of lime if possible. The lime would leave ugly stains on the leaves of your rubber tree. You can also wipe it dry with a soft cloth afterwards.

Now wrap your entire rubber tree with plastic wrap. The resulting humidity is unbearable for spider mites, so they prefer to disappear. Make sure to use transparent film, because the rubber tree needs it lots of light. As an alternative to the methods mentioned, you can also use lacewing to combat spider mites.

Good care is the best prevention

Of course, better than any control of spider mites is to prevent them from showing up in the first place. So make the mites uncomfortable. Even if your rubber tree can handle dry heating air, it doesn't mean that it likes it. So make sure there is high humidity and avoid drafts. This keeps the spider mites away and the plant healthy.

Only give your rubber tree a small serving of commercial grade every three to six weeks Liquid fertilizer. If it is fertilized too much, it will soon leave its own Leaves hanging. The rubber tree does not need large amounts of water either. to water Do not use it until the top layer of soil has dried a little or submerge the rubber tree.

The main measures against spider mites:

  • rinse off if infested
  • Separate the infected plant and wrap it in transparent foil
  • Lacewing
  • good care and proper location for prevention
  • Increase humidity


High humidity keeps spider mites away and keeps your rubber tree healthy.