Pull climbing roses in the bucket

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Do not choose a location that is too hot

Roses are “mimosas”: the noble plants generally prefer one sunny and sheltered location, whereby this must not get too hot at the same time. Because of this, you should especially on balconies Exercise caution, because there the temperatures in the sun heat up very quickly and those otherwise carefully cherished Climbing roses burn. For this reason, climbing roses cultivated in the bucket belong preferably in the light ones Penumbra a west or east side. Locations facing south, on the other hand, are to be avoided because they usually get too hot.

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  • Spring or autumn? When to plant climbing roses
  • Sunny, but not too hot - climbing roses prefer a protected location
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Climbing roses need a lot of space

Whether you prefer planters made of terracotta, ceramic, wood or plastic is entirely up to your taste. Much more important than the material is the size or the depth of the pot. Like all roses, the climbing roses are deep-rooted, which is why the container is at least 50 centimeters should be high - rose experts recommend even more space so that the roots are not cramped will.

Provide a suitable climbing aid

Many climbing rose varieties can also be used as a bush or Shrub, but if the plant is to climb, it definitely needs it a good climbing aid. This is especially true for the so-called rambler roses. You can use rose arches for this purpose, but also wooden or wooden arches. Metal frames and a rope mesh.

Plant roses correctly in the pot

The roots of the climbing rose need a lot of space! Make sure that the roots have plenty of soil between them and the walls of the pot - use special soil as possible for planting Rose earthmade with compost or a special Slow release fertilizer is mixed. Good drainage is also extremely important, because climbing roses need a lot of water, but cannot tolerate waterlogging.


For healthy growth and abundant flowering it is adequate fertilization indispensable. You should work a good long-term fertilizer into the plant substrate both when planting and each time you repot. In addition, provide the plant with a liquid every 14 days between April and the end of June / beginning of July Rose fertilizer.(€ 11.49 at Amazon *)

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