The best planting & care tips

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Preliminary considerations for planting on the balcony

Verbena is ideal as a hanging plant for pots, tubs or Window boxes.(€ 7.99 at Amazon *) But be careful: Since verbena can develop long roots, the planter should be deep enough. A suitable location and a plant-friendly substrate must also be taken into account when planting.

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  • Which location meets the requirements of verbena?
  • Is Verbena Poisonous?
  • Is verbena hardy?

The location should be bright. Sunny to partially shaded locations such as south-facing, east and west-facing balconies are ideal. Verbena can handle wind well. Nevertheless, a sheltered location is preferable. The substrate - usually unit earth is suitable - should have the following properties:

  • well permeable
  • weakly acidic
  • moderately nutritious
  • humus

You can grow your verbena on the windowsill from February with the help of seeds. The room should have a temperature between 19 and 20 ° C. The seeds will germinate after 2 to 3 weeks if kept moist. From May your verbena can be relocated and get some fresh air on the balcony ...

Care measures: watering, fertilizing, cutting

Verbena tolerates dry soil for a short time. On the other hand, it cannot get used to moisture in the root area. Therefore, it should be watered regularly, but sparingly. Check the soil: it can be half-finger-deep dry.

On the balcony, verbena should be given a liquid fertilizer such as guano fertilizer every two to four weeks. Then the bloom lasts longer. Anyone who wants to use the herb for consumption or tea should use organic fertilizers.

Another Care aspect is cutting. With verbena, the old leaves and, in summer, the withered inflorescences should be removed. It is also advisable to cut off the shoot tips of young plants so that they subsequently grow bushier and produce more flowers.

Hibernate or re-sow?

Verbena is not good hardy. Since overwintering is associated with effort, it is more advisable to sow the herb anew every year. Sometimes it also multiplies via self-sowing.

Tips & Tricks

If you want to plant several specimens next to each other, keep a minimum distance of 30 cm between them.