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Oxalic acid ensures a short freshness season

In spring, rhubarb can be found fresh in the fruit and vegetable departments of the supermarkets. The crunchy red sticks are waiting for buyers, who mostly use them for desserts, even though rhubarb is actually a vegetable.

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Anyone who grows rhubarb in their own garden knows what beautiful, large and strong leaves the plant develops. However, these are not eaten as the content of the harmful oxalic acid in them is very high.

Oxalic acid is also available in sticks, but in a lower concentration. Most of it sits just below the shell, which is one of the reasons the sticks should be peeled. Since the concentration of oxalic acid in all parts of the plant increases over time, rhubarb is only used up to the age of 24. June, Midsummer Day, harvested.


Anyone who loves rhubarb must also after the 24th June not do without it. The red sticks are very easy to freeze.

Prepare rhubarb stalks

Only the red rhubarb stalks are offered in the trade. On the other hand, you have to cut away the leaves of your own harvest before processing the vegetables any further. The rods are cut off directly below the leaf base. You will then be faced with the following work steps:

  1. Either thoroughly clean the rods under water or wipe them clean with a damp kitchen towel. All debris should be removed.
  2. Place the rods on a kitchen towel to dry off, which will absorb moisture well.
  3. Cut off the dried up rod ends as necessary.

Peel or pull strings?

Basically, rhubarb is not peeled properly, as we know it from other vegetables. Rather, the outer fibers should be pulled off the rods. In this context, one often speaks of “pulling threads”. For a perfect rhubarb enjoyment, you shouldn't do without it, even if the curtain is time-consuming.

  • Threads remain fibrous even when cooked
  • are uncomfortable when eating
  • Most of the oxalic acid is removed with them

Rhubarb is peeled raw because the threads are easiest to loosen from the hard sticks. When cooked, the rhubarb becomes soft and difficult to peel. In addition, it is usually cut or cut into bite-sized pieces. is already part of a finished meal.

Required kitchen tools

All you need for peeling the rhubarb stalks is a small knife with a sharp blade. With thick sticks, a peeler can also be helpful, as it can be used to peel off the peel very thinly. Nevertheless, check whether the threads underneath are also captured.

This is the right way to “peel” rhubarb

With the tips and tricks described below, pulling the threads should work without any problems.

  1. It is best to place the knife on the thicker end of the rod.
  2. Grab a piece of the shell with the knife and pull it all the way to the other end of the rod. So you've peeled off a whole strip.
  3. Reinsert the knife at the end of the rod, in a different place that has not yet been peeled, and remove the next strip.
  4. Continue the process until the rhubarb stick has been stripped of all threads.
  5. Remove the disturbing threads from all rhubarb stalks one after the other.

The strength of the drawn threads can vary, because it depends on the thickness of the individual rod.

Peeling is not a must for young bars

Young poles are mostly thin and also have a thin shell under which the tough threads have not yet formed properly. In addition, the oxalic acid concentration is lower than in thick bars. Such bars do not necessarily have to be peeled.

If you peel a thin stick, you will immediately notice whether it contains threads. If not, you can do without the peeling process altogether. By the way, green sticks naturally have a lot more oxalic acid than the red ones.

Storage of peeled sticks

Rhubarb should always be peeled immediately before preparation. If this is unexpectedly delayed, the bars can dry out. Wrap them in a damp kitchen towel and place them in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

Conclusion for quick readers:

  • Season: only until 24. June, after that the amount of oxalic acid contained is too high
  • Usage: the rods only; Leaves have too much acid; are inedible
  • Peeling: A must just before preparation; removes tough threads; reduces oxalic acid
  • Preparation: remove leaves; cut off dry end; wash thoroughly
  • Peeling tool: small, sharp kitchen knife; Vegetable peeler for thick sticks
  • Step 1: Place the knife on the thicker end of the rod and take hold of some of the shell
  • Step 2: Pull the shell off the bar in a long strip
  • Step 3: Repeat the process until the rod is peeled all around
  • Young poles: have little oxalic acid and hardly any threads; do not have to be peeled
  • Tip: Rhubarb is easy to freeze and can also be enjoyed at the end of the season

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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