Pull harlequin willow in the bucket

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Requirements for the bucket

Although the harlequin willow reaches a maximum height of three meters and a width of 75 Up to 150 cm comparatively small dimensions, nevertheless the tree forms a huge root ball the end. For this reason, you should choose a bucket with sufficient volume.

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  • Hibernate the harlequin willow
  • Maintain harlequin pasture
  • Treat and prevent brown leaves on the harlequin pasture

The right substrate

So that your harlequin pasture develops properly, we recommend using high-quality garden soil. It is best to add a layer of mulch to this in order to supply Salix integra with all the important nutrients. The tree does not tolerate severe drought. Therefore, keep the substrate moist throughout.

Cut harlequin willow in a bucket

The pruning is particularly important when it comes to keeping the tubs. If you use the scissors regularly, in most cases the growth will automatically slow down. Of course, this has a particularly advantageous effect on maintaining the spherical shape. How to cut the harlequin willow in the bucket:

  1. choose a frost-free day in February or March
  2. the sky should be overcast
  3. shorten the shoots to five to ten centimeters
  4. remove the branches thoroughly, especially at the base
  5. thin out the crown regularly

Hibernate harlequin willow in the bucket

When cultivating in pots, frost protection is imperative in contrast to free-range husbandry. Protect the roots with an extra layer of mulch and wrap a burlap sack around the bucket. Put your harlequin willow in a sheltered place. Closed rooms are rather unsuitable, as the Japanese ornamental tree is even dependent on cold temperatures to a certain extent. When pouring, make sure that the water does not freeze and the bucket then bursts open.